动词不定式.He was seen_______(come).

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 03:52:57
动词不定式.He was seen_______(come). 请问这里为什么要用动词不定式?he was afraid to leave his home.改成 he was afraid left his home. 动词不定式, The youngman was seen___(get)on a bus just now A bird was seen___(fly)into the classroom yesterday. A stranger was seen___(rush) into the building this morning 动词不定式能替代这个宾语从句吗He was told that he has just killed that child.能写成这样吗He was told to have just killed that child?为什么? 用动词不定式完成下列各句Did you see( )(有人离开房间吗)He was( )(激动的说不出一句话来) 请帮忙分析下这个句子中动词不定式在句中的成分He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned 为什么这个句子情态动词后面可以用不定式?The doctor did what he could to save the girl who was badly hurt in the accident. He was surprised ------(发现)they all had gone是填动词不定式还是进行时是to find 还是finding 是不是一个英语句子中的第二个实意动词要用不定式形式?一个句子中的第二个实意动词是不是一定要用不定式或者是动名词形式?(除了make和let两个动词后面跟不带to的不定式)如:He was driv He was nowhere to be seen.为什么要用不定式 英语超高手进来,He was made______C__too hard.A work B working C to work D to be work在英语动词不定式语法中不是说使役动词后的to 为什么这里的正确答案偏要一个to? 什么是动词不定式,什么时候用动词不定式,? The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Years' Eve he was able to hobble along to a party. 系动词是was吗不定式是状吗 to a party 是定吗 It is/was+adj+(for sb)+动词不定式短语和It is/was+adj.+of sb.+动词不定式有什么区别? 能说to加名词就是介词短语做定语,to加动词就是不定式做定语吗?比如说:He was among the first to arrive.to arrive是不定式作first的定语;如果是:He was among the first to Beijing.那to Beijing就是介词短语做