i bought mp3 player for 3 days i have visited the zoo 3 days ago 这两句话对吗?请说明一下理由饿

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 01:10:35
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i bought mp3 player for 3 days i have visited the zoo 3 days ago 这两句话对吗?请说明一下理由饿 My mother bought an MP3 player for me to listen yesterday这句话哪错了?、 改为同义句:Can I borrow you MP3 player? I'll pay 200 yuan for the MP3 player.(同义句转换):I'll ( ) 200 yuan ( ) the MP3 player. How long have you ______ the MP3 player?For about two weeks.a.bought b.had c.borrowedd.lent I bought this MP4 player for a mouth ago.(同义句改写) I ___ ___ this MP4 player for a mouth. ---how long have you______?---Since five years ago.A.joined the army B.lived in the town C.become a midfield player D.bought the MP3 MP3英文全称是什么?是Media Player can you guess the MP3 player yesterday MP3全英文解释?是不是music player 翻译your MP3 player with this ring. Can I help you?Yes.I bought----CD player yesterday,but it doesn't work.A a B an C the 看看这个句子是用一般式还是过去式?为什么?i bought a CD player here yesterday,but it---- work.是doesn't还是didn't? may i ()yours mp3 player?yes,i can() it to you.A.borrow;lend B.lend;borrow; C.keep;lend;D.borrow;keep I have bought the new mp3 for three days.这句话有什么语病哪?(单句改错) This MP3 player is cheaper than that one This MP3 player _____ ____ ____ ____that one 句型转换This MP3 player _____ ____ ____ ____that one 句型转换 i would like to borrow your mp3 player.will you ______it this evening为什么要用不be using呢?用use不就可以吗 I bought two dozen