请问这句该怎么翻比较好?谢谢!Blanchard responds to the call with a round, burnished tone that recalls the intimacy and gravitas of Miles Davis while maintaining a voice all his own.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:01:42
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请问这句该怎么翻比较好?谢谢!Blanchard responds to the call with a round, burnished tone that recalls the intimacy and gravitas of Miles Davis while maintaining a voice all his own. 英语翻译请问这句话该怎么翻译比较好? 请问这句话怎么翻译成英文比较好?我出版社对以下书目拥有出版/发行权.该公司经我出版社授权,对以上书目拥有在中华人民共和国境内的独家代理/发行权.谢谢! 请教翻译:Jane is now five years old and as bright as a button.这句怎么翻比较好?谢谢 请问“工艺条件”这个词怎么翻比较好? ** group have established a link with the university 这句怎么翻比较好? are we able to market these in Australia这句该怎么翻译比较好? the soul is not where it lives,but where it loves这句英文怎么翻译成中文比较好? 谢谢(ARD德语新闻的句子)Die Karte ermöglicht es Ärzten und Apothekern,schnell auf zusätzliche freiwillige Patientendaten zurückzugreifen.请问es在这是什么成分.怎么翻比较好呢, BLANC 请问这句怎么翻比较好?When people were buying his propaganda and sympathy-yielding remarks, he cleverly took out a dove from a hat and denied publicly that he had ordered an abortion. 这句句子怎么翻成英文比较好他/她 从小就身体虚弱,所以经常生病导致有时候不能来上课.怎么翻比较好住要是要让人家看了以后要能感动 优势功能英语翻译怎么翻比较好 what an idiot!怎么翻比较好? 英语翻译中秋月饼,中国人的月饼!请问这句用英语怎么翻 比较好? 请问 Baby Boomer 作为宠物名,怎么翻成中文比较好,音译还是意译? 英语翻译---How would you like your coffee?--- As it comes,please.这句回答该怎么翻译比较好? 高手帮忙看这句话怎么翻各位看一下这句该怎么翻成英文比较好,这次的样品对于我们来说是个挑战,我们已经开始着手去做了,会尽最大努力去做的,只是难度很大,总经理正在出差,等他回来后