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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 11:23:32 字数作文


  Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.

  I love Spring Festival.


关于春节的英语作文春节英语:The Happy Spring Festival关于春节的英语作文(1)My Spring Festival关于春节的英语作文(2)春节纪事-Life in Spring Festival关于春节的英语作文(3)春节(The Spring Festival)(一)关于春节的英语作文(4)春节(The Spring Festival)(二)关于春节的英语作文(5)春节(The Spring Festival)(三)关于春节的英语作文(6)关于春节的英语作文关于春节的英语作文(7)关于新年的英语作文关于春节的英语作文(8)春节英语作文:New Year Party关于春节的英语作文(9)春节晚会英语作文关于春节的英语作文(10)



小学生英语作文:My Happy Spring Festival,我的快乐春节(含译文)

My Happy Spring Festival

Spring Festival is the most important and popular festival in China. I was very happy during the Spring Festival. Before Spring Festival, My grandmother, mother and father cleaned and decorated our houses. And they went to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers. They also bought new clothes for me and my sisters.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, my father and I had the red antithetical Spring Festival couplets on our doors. My families got together and had a big meal at home. We had chatting each other. We had chicken, duck, fish, pork and such as. And we ate dumplings and watch the Spring Festival party on television. During Spring Festival,my parents gave us lucky money. I and my sisters played the fireworks in the open air. We had many fireworks. They were very beautiful. They run into the sky and broke into pieces. They looked like flowers in the sky. We were very happy and excited. After that, I made a wish. I hoped that that we could have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in my family could be happy.

During the Spring Festival, we visited relatives and friends with the words “Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!” I love Spring Festival and enjoy it very happy.




在春节前夕,也就是大年三十,爸爸和我在门上贴了春联。我们一家聚在 1






The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in China(Spring Festival is the most important festival in China). Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. On the eve of the Spring Festival we will clean the house, buy new clothes. On the night of the day before Spring Festival, families get together for dinner. We'll eat dumplings in Spring Festival, it is a traditional food. Children like the festival very much, because they can eat a lot of delicious food, wear beautiful clothes. They also can get lucky money of parents. The money can bring good luck for the children 春节时我国的传统节日(春节是中国最重要的节日)。中国的春节庆祝冬天的结束和温暖春天的来临。春节前夕我们要大扫除,买新衣服。春节前一天的晚上,一家人聚在一起吃晚饭我们在春节会吃饺子,它是传统的食物小孩子非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们能吃到很多美味的食物,穿漂亮的衣服. 他们还能得到父母的压岁钱. 这些钱能给孩子们带来好运


2、Spring festival is the most important festival in China. During Spring festival, people visit their relatives, sending their best wishes for a new year. Children are the happiest in spring festival. They will receive red envelopes that contain money as new year presents. They can also play crackers and fireworks. What's more, they are given a lot of freedom, which they have dreammed of for a whole year. During Spring festival, there will be plenty of foods. That's why many people put on "holiday weight"

after Spring festival. When it comes to food, there are many festival specialties. The world famous Jiaozi and Chunjuan(spring roll) have even been accepted by foreigners as fast foods. Spring festival usually comes in Feburary, sometimes earlier. It's a festival full of hope and good wishes. It's a symbol of Chinese culture.



我听过一个故事,叫春节的起源:很久很久以前,有一个叫在陌生的怪物,在每年的新年的一天将会来临,年奇怪的人怕火,与炮打年责备,就把在陌生的击败了,而这就是中国的新年。有一年春节,我和其他孩子们把‘冲天炮’,到了春节晚会开始,爸爸和妈妈叫我回家去看春节晚会,不愿离开家里看春节晚会。我的父亲,母亲,爷爷和奶奶看春节联欢晚会边吃水果,我很高兴! 我很开心,很幸福,希望每天都过年!

英语:The winter vacation is coming to an end, and finish the homework. I heard a story, so that the origin of the Spring Festival: long long ago, there was a call in strange monsters, the annual New Year's day will come, years of strange people afraid of fire and cannon dozen years blame, he put in strange beat, and this is the Chinese New Year. Have a year of Spring Festival, I and other children put 'ChongTianBao', the Spring Festival party began, dad and mom told me to come home to see the Spring Festival evening party, don't want to leave home, watching the Spring Festival evening party. My father, mother, grandpa and grandma watching the Spring Festival evening ate fruit, I be very happy!

I am very happy, very happy, hope every day was Chinese New Year!

今天是大年初一,每到这一天,每家都非常的热闹,一过年每家都会吃很油腻的食物,每顿饭前都要放鞭、给财神上香,希望今后能发财,一大早小孩子都穿上新衣服去给长辈拜年,希望能得到长辈的红包,过年了,到处都是喜气洋洋,我今天的心情非Today is New Year's Day, every day, every family is very lively, a Chinese New Year every family to eat a very fatty foods, each meal should be placed before the whip, burn incense to the God of Wealth and hopes to make a fortune, a children are up early to wear new clothes to go to the elders to pay, hoping to get older, the red envelope, Chinese New Year, and full of gaiety, today I am feeling very good.常好。

春节日记 一转眼,春节就到了,大年初一,我在奶奶家。那里的年味很重,家家户户在除夕那天就把红红的灯笼挂了出来,把对联写好,贴了出来。还要贴门神,包饺子,我在奶奶家也帮起了忙,帮助大人弄这弄那,自己也沉醉在这过年忙碌的气氛中了,大年初一要早起,要跟随爸爸妈妈去别人家里拜年,拜完年后,就到了中午,一家人凑在一起,有说有笑的吃着团圆饭,每个人的脸上都洋溢着笑容,吃完午饭后,我和弟弟妹妹们便争着抢着让爷爷奶奶给压岁钱,最后我们都得到了,也都高兴不已,要完爷爷奶奶的压岁钱,就去跟婶婶叔叔要。就这样一个一个要,这才大年初一,我就要到了600元,不知不觉就到了该睡觉的时候了,回首这一天,真的是在浓浓的年味儿中度过的,真期盼天天都过年。

The Spring Festival diary Start looking, and, well, Spring Festival is arrived, on New Year's day, I was at my grandmother's house. There NianWei of very heavy, every family in the lunar New Year's eve put red lanterns hanging out, write the couplets, stick it out. And put the door, and pack dumpling, I was at my grandmother's house also help up busy, help adults get this made with that, own also lost in this New Year's day busy atmosphere, on New Year's day to getting up early, to follow the parents to other people's home New Year, worship the years later, in the afternoon, the family got together, talking and laughing eat a big dinner, everyone's faces lit a smile, after lunch, my brother and sister and the racing to rob to let grandpa's grandmother to New Year's money, finally we got,

also are delighted, finish to grandma and grandpa's New Year's money, go with aunt uncle to, so a a will, this just on New Year's day, I will be up to 600 yuan, and before you know it was this time for bed, looking back on this day, really is in the thick NianWeiEr spent, really looking forward to every day was Chinese New Year.
