
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 05:07:10
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We are very sorry for latest shipment delay.We are taking action to prevent from this happen agian.Please also consider to put us on the c.c list in every email related.
After contacts with agent and shipping company reagrding the issue,they all claimed that shipment delay within three months under recent weather condition would be reasonable.Please refer to the written statement as attachment.

For the last time delay the shipment we apologize for the inconvenience. Later will be able to avoid the occurrence of such events, please put the mail every time after transcribing give me a copy.


For the last time delay the shipment we apologize for the inconvenience. Later will be able to avoid the occurrence of such events, please put the mail every time after transcribing give me a copy.
After and freight forwarding and shipping companies contact, they agreed, was recently the weather causes timetable delays, but within three months was a reasonable time. Written explanation see Annex


We are very sorry for the last delivery delay. To avoid such cases, pls cc. your email to me from now on.

We've contacted with forwarder and shipping company, and they believe the delay was ...


We are very sorry for the last delivery delay. To avoid such cases, pls cc. your email to me from now on.

We've contacted with forwarder and shipping company, and they believe the delay was due to the weather condition recently, but it is reasonable within three months. Written explanation pls see attached.



We are very sorry for all the inconvenience caused by delayed delivering. This will not happen again. Kindly pls, send or forward your email from now on.
After contacting with the forwarder and th...


We are very sorry for all the inconvenience caused by delayed delivering. This will not happen again. Kindly pls, send or forward your email from now on.
After contacting with the forwarder and the shipping company, they all believe that three months delay are reasonable, due to recent whether problem. Attached you will find the explaination from them. Kindly pls, refer to it.

Email 的主题,因为你是回复你的客户,对延迟交货表示歉意,可以直接在原来的邮件中回复,不更改主题,也可以改变主题:delay shipping.


英语翻译对于最后一次延迟发货带来的不便我们深表歉意.以后会避免此类事件的发生,也请您以后把邮件每次都转抄给我一份.经过与货代及船公司联系,他们一致认为,是近来天气原因导致船 英语翻译求高手翻译:亲爱的买家,由于9月30号至10月7号是中国的中秋节和国庆节双节放假时间,我们的发货可能会因此延迟,给您带来不便,请谅解亲爱的买家,由于9月30号至10月7号是中国的中 英语翻译关于01和02这两张订单,我很抱歉的通知您,01订单交付日期要延迟到5月31日,02订单的交付日期要延迟到6月04日,由此给您带来的不便敬请原谅.如果能再客气些,更好. 英语翻译对于你多次说产品已经生产完毕,给贵司带来了很大的压力,我们非常抱歉给贵司带来不便和损失. 求各位高手写一封英语留言条writer;xiao yanreader;Charlestime:6/27message;我有急事明天去北京,能否将我们的会面延迟到下个星期?对此带来的不便表示歉意 中译英:给您带来的不便,我很感抱歉. 英语翻译经过查证,我们确实已经在10月11日支付过发票5268的货款.那么我在下一次付款时少支付usd6892.00可以吗.为你带来的不便很抱歉! google地球遇到问题,需要关闭,对于由此给您带来的不便 我下的谷歌地球为什么打开后这样(Google 地球遇到问题,需要关闭.对于由此给你带来的不便 我们深表歉意) 近视眼给人们带来的不便 暴风雪给美国带来什么样的不便 私家车对社会发展带来的不便 英语翻译电,天然气,水都受火灾影响,这给人们的日常生活带来了很多不便 英语翻译集装箱到达报告中,所有2015-1-1的拆箱,实际上都是2014-12-31的.对此带来的不便,我深感歉意. 英语翻译“这个预报邮件不是发给你们的,是我发错了,请忽略此邮件,带来的不便深表歉意'就是这句 英语翻译翻译:不好意思给你带来不便,我已经帮你跟老板努力争取到了两个额外的免费样品作为特别优惠. 请问如何解决“Google地球遇到问题,需要关闭.对于由此给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意. 求大神翻译成英语: 对此带来的不便我深感抱歉