90n+23p=4523.If n and p are positive integers in the equation above,what is one possible value of n+p?怎么算?是51,118和185

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:07:19
90n+23p=4523.If n and p are positive integers in the equation above,what is one possible value of n+p?怎么算?是51,118和185
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90n+23p=4523.If n and p are positive integers in the equation above,what is one possible value of n+p?怎么算?是51,118和185
90n+23p=4523.If n and p are positive integers in the equation above,what is one possible value of n+p?

90n+23p=4523.If n and p are positive integers in the equation above,what is one possible value of n+p?怎么算?是51,118和185
n、p 均为正整数
n=4523/90 - 23/90 p
n+p=4523/90 - 23/90 p +p=(4523+67p)/90 属于正整数

ls的太牛了。。咱来个很容易的思路!90是整的十吧?无论乘以多少个位都是0!23个位是3耶!所以23的倍数怎么样才能得出4523的个位3呢?一定不是23*1 or 11 or 21....这样的嘛~咋就先试下1.。。bingo!!!! 90*50 一下就出来了~~ so, n=50, p=1,n+p=51~~~


90n+23p=4523.If n and p are positive integers in the equation above,what is one possible value of n+p?怎么算?是51,118和185 判定级数收敛 an = sin(n+1/n)/n 以及an = sin(n+1)cos(n-1)/n^p...讨论p,怎么证明0 if ((n!=0)&&(n 已知数列{an}满足a0=1,an=p|an-1|-1(n∈N,p为常数,0 if ((n & -n) == n) 已知数列{An}的通项公式为An=(2*3^n+2)/(3^n-1) (n∈N*)设m、n、p∈N*,m 已知数列{an}的前n项和为Sn=n p an-n p+n(p为常数,n∈N*)且a1≠a21、求p的值 2、证明该数列是等差数列 等比数列,m+n=p+q,则an*am= 若m+n=p,m n p ∈N* ,在等差数列中有am+an=ap 这对吗 c++ 用二分法计算x^n(n>=0)的值(if n is even,xn=xp* xp; if n is odd,xn=x* xp * xp).if n is even,x^n=x^p* x^p; if n is odd,x^n=x* x^p * x^p CLEAR P = 0 FOR N = 1 TO 49 IF N>10 EXIT ENDIF IF MOD (N,2) = 0 P = P+N ENDIF ENDFOR P= ,P RETU这个程序的意义和算法是什么? 形如an=pa(n-1)/p+qa(n-1) An={n (1 这个程序有什么错误?是要用递归数列#includeint main(){int b,n,i,x,P;scanf(%d,&n);if(n==0) P=1;else P=le(n);printf(%d,P);system(pause);return 0;}int le(int n){int x,P;if(n==1) P=x;else P=(2*n-1)*x-le(n-1)-(n-1)*le(n-2)/n;return P;} 已知数列{an/P^(n-1)}的前n项和Sn=n²+2n(其中常数p>0)求数列{an}的通项公式设Tn为数列{an}的前n项和(1)求Tn的表达式 (2)若对任意n∈N+,都有(1-p)Tn+pan≥2p^n,求p 已知数列{an}前n项和Sn=(-1)^n,若对任意正整数n,(an+1-p)(an-p)上面错了Sn=(-1)^n*n 等差数列{an}的前n项和Sn=pn^2+n(n+1)+p+3,则p=?通项公式an=? 在等差数列{an}中,若m+n=p+q(m、n、p、q属于N),求证:an+am=ap+aq.