A-level曲线的切线数学题The curve C has equation y=x2(x-6)+4/x p(1,-1) Q(2,-14)Show that the tangents to C at p and Q are parallel

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:34:54
A-level曲线的切线数学题The curve C has equation y=x2(x-6)+4/x p(1,-1) Q(2,-14)Show that the tangents to C at p and Q are parallel

A-level曲线的切线数学题The curve C has equation y=x2(x-6)+4/x p(1,-1) Q(2,-14)Show that the tangents to C at p and Q are parallel
The curve C has equation y=x2(x-6)+4/x p(1,-1) Q(2,-14)
Show that the tangents to C at p and Q are parallel

A-level曲线的切线数学题The curve C has equation y=x2(x-6)+4/x p(1,-1) Q(2,-14)Show that the tangents to C at p and Q are parallel

A-level曲线的切线数学题The curve C has equation y=x2(x-6)+4/x p(1,-1) Q(2,-14)Show that the tangents to C at p and Q are parallel 高中数学题(关于曲线)设曲线C:x^3-3x和直线x=a(a>0)的交点为P,曲线C在P点的切线与x轴交于点Q(-a,0),求a的值.曲线C为y=x^3-3x 求曲线C:y=3-x^3过点A(2,-2)的切线方程 A(1,c)为曲线y=x^3-ax^2+b上一点,曲线在A点处的切线方程为y=x+d,曲线斜率为1的切线有几条它们之间的距离是多少 下列说法正确的是A 曲线的切线和曲线有且只有一个交点B 过曲线上一点作曲线的切线,这点一定是切点C 若f'(x0)不存在,则曲线y=f(x)在点(x0,f(x0))处无切线D 若曲线y=f(x)在点(x0,f(x0))处有切 求曲线C:f(x)=x+4/x过点A(8/3,0)的切线方程.如何区分一个点是否在曲线上?在某点处的切线和过某点处的切线有何不同? 一道高二数学题选修2—2 设f'(x)=0,则曲线y=f(x)在点(x0,f(x0))处的切线一道高二数学题选修2—2 设f'(x)=0,则曲线y=f(x)在点(x0,f(x0))处的切线A.不存在 B.与x轴平行或重合C.与x轴垂直 D.与x 曲线C:y=ax2在点P(1,a)处的切线的斜率为3,则 a= 曲线c:y=ax^2在点p(1.a)处的切线斜率为3,则a=? 数学题: 曲线Y=e^在(l,e)处的切线方程为:? 已知曲线C:y=x^3-x+2和点(1,2),求过点A的切线方程 求曲线C:Y=3X-X3过点A(2,-2)的切线方程 :已知曲线C:y^2=2x-4,(1)求曲线C在点A(3,√2)处的切线方程(1)求曲线C在点A(3,√2)处的切线方程.(2)过原点O作直线ι与曲线C交于A、B两不同点,求线段AB的中点M的轨迹方程. 200分求一道数学题,懂英文的来拉,图片应该会一会儿会上去Two points P and Q on level ground are on opposite sides of a building.To find the distance between the points,a surveyor chooses a point R that is a = 328 feet from P and c 100分求一道数学题,After t years the population of a certain town is P(t) = 50+5t thousand people.A populationP has an associated CO2 level,C(P) = (根号下(P2 + 1))/2.After 2 years,the rate at which CO2 level is changing with respect to t 几条数学题,急阿1:若曲线C:y=1n(x+a)(a是常数)经过原点O,则曲线C在O点的切线是?2:已知数列{an},an=2^n,则a1/1+a2/1+.+an/1=多少?3:双曲线的一个焦点是F2(2,0),离心率e=2,则双曲线的标准方程是?4:若复数Z=(1- The lower__in a room,the more slowly our eyes foce.A,the level of lighting.B,light level.C,leveling of light.D,lighting is level我想知道这题的答案今天想了很久.还是有点疑惑,希望那位高手给我答案, 一道简单的有关导数的高中数学题(请给出解题步骤)已知函数f(x)=a乘x^2+1,g(x)=x^3+bx若曲线y=f(x)与曲线y=g(x)在它们的交点(1,c)处具有公共切线,求a,b的值当a=3,b=-9时,若函数f(x)+