
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 23:13:25
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economic crisis in 2008 afferted the whole world. it made us realise that the highlighted essence and impacts of economic risks, and the importance of using new strategies to control risks. global economy and China's economy are facing a period of adjustment. there is a long duration of challenge about economy risks. therefore we should prepare for it. base on controlling the main section of the economy of China, ensure the safety of the economic system by making fair and complete policies. under the difficult economic circumstance, how to prevent and reduce the risks of economic crisis, and reduce the negative impact of global economic crisis, it is not only the urgent problem we are now facing, but also a new problem that needs to study and discuss !

2008 financial crisis sweeping the globe, let us bring out the highlights of the Department of the nature of financial risks, the impact should be taken and the new importance of risk cont...


2008 financial crisis sweeping the globe, let us bring out the highlights of the Department of the nature of financial risks, the impact should be taken and the new importance of risk control measures. The global economy and China's economy is facing a profound adjustment cycle, we are facing will be more lasting the test of financial risks, it should be fully prepared and in firm control of the country's financial lifeline under the premise of a perfect system, through transparent arrangements to ensure that the country's financial system安全. In this grim financial situation, how to guard against and defuse financial risks of systemic, global financial crisis to avoid the negative impact of the problem is both urgent and realistic and should be studied in depth to explore new problems.


2008 financial crisis sweeping the globe, let us bring out the highlights of the Department of the nature of financial risks, the impact should be taken and the new importance of risk control measures...


2008 financial crisis sweeping the globe, let us bring out the highlights of the Department of the nature of financial risks, the impact should be taken and the new importance of risk control measures.The global economy and China's economy is facing a profound adjustment cycle, we are facing will be more lasting the test of financial risks, it should be fully prepared and in firm control of the country's financial lifeline under the premise of a perfect system, through transparent arrangements to ensure that the country's financial system Safe. In this grim financial situation, how to guard against and defuse financial risks of systemic, global financial crisis to avoid the negative impact of the problem is both urgent and realistic and should be studied in depth to explore new problems.




The financial turmoil in 2008 rolls up a world, let us grasp it to highlight of fasten the essence, influence of financial risk and it should adopt all new risk a control the importance of counterplan.The global economic and Chinese economy faces a deep adjustment period face to face, we face of will be laster long financial risk test, so have to take preventive measures, in the prison in the prison control under the premise of native financial life vein, insure national financial system through a transparent and perfect system arrangement safety.Under this kind of rigorous financial situation, how guard against and dissolve the system financial risk, evade the negative influence of global and financial crisis, since is an urgent realistic problem, and then is the new problem which needs the thorough research to inquiry into.


In 2008, the financial turmoil sweeping the globe, let us enjoy the highlight of the essence of financial risk, and should adopt new risk control countermeasures of importance. The global economy and ...


In 2008, the financial turmoil sweeping the globe, let us enjoy the highlight of the essence of financial risk, and should adopt new risk control countermeasures of importance. The global economy and China's economy is facing a profound adjustment period, we will face is more lasting financial risks test, therefore, must be in domestic financial lifeblood on the premise, through the system arrangement to ensure transparency perfect state financial system security. In the severe financial situation, how to guard against and defuse financial risks, and avoid systematic negative impact on the global financial crisis, as pressing problems and needs further study of new questions.


2008 financial crisis sweeping the globe, let us bring out the highlights of the Department of the nature of financial risks, the impact should be taken and the new importance of risk control measures...


2008 financial crisis sweeping the globe, let us bring out the highlights of the Department of the nature of financial risks, the impact should be taken and the new importance of risk control measures. The global economy and China's economy is facing a profound adjustment cycle, we are facing will be more lasting the test of financial risks, it should be fully prepared and in firm control of the country's financial lifeline under the premise of a perfect system, through transparent arrangements to ensure that the country's financial system安全. In this grim financial situation, how to guard against and defuse financial risks of systemic, global financial crisis to avoid the negative impact of the problem is both urgent and realistic and should be studied in depth to explore new problems


英语翻译2008年的金融风暴席卷全球,让我们领略到其凸显出来的系金融风险的本质、影响及其所应采取全新风险控制对策的重要性.全球经济和中国经济正面临一个深刻的调整周期,我们面临的 英语翻译2008年,起源于美国的金融海啸席卷全球,波及实体经济并进而演变成一场全球性的经济危机,号称“世界工厂”的东莞自然首当其冲.但是有危就有机,如何应对和防范在这次金融海啸中 什么原因引起08年的全球金融风暴? 英语翻译尽可能地道点,中国经济这艘不断前进的航空母舰在面对席卷全球的金融风暴时,毫无畏惧,破浪而行.一看就是自动的··· 金融风暴席卷全球,中国在这场金融危机中也受到了冲击,各产业的生产总值发生了一些变化.资料显示,我国2009年第一季度的第一产业、第二产业、第三产业总产值分别占国内生产总产值情况 英语翻译请帮忙翻译下下面的句子“2008年,世界金融和经济形势风起云涌.随着美国次贷危机愈演愈烈,并逐步升级为一场席卷全球的金融危机,实体经济受到严重冲击.美国、欧元区和日本经济 英语翻译现如今,金融危机席卷全球,许多知名企业纷纷倒闭,包括一些世界五百强企业.这是对企业生命力的严峻考验,在这次金融风暴下幸存下来的企业,都有着强力的生命力.而企业生命力,也 英语翻译1.来自美国的金融风暴席卷全球.各国紧急出台相应政策挽救本国经济,力求将危机带来的影响降到最低.2.经济全球化带来危机全球化.3.在经济全球化的大背景之下,面对金融危机,各国 英语2008年伊始,全球经历金融风暴2008年伊始,全球经历金融风暴,Baker一家也不例外.请写一篇短文,讲述这家金融风暴的应对措施.(措施关键字有零花钱.兼职外出就餐水电气汽车)晚上追加50分 改病句 ①2008年10月,一场从美国华尔街发起的金融风暴席卷了世界各地,给世界各国的经济带来的严重影响②中学生写作文.要留心观察各种事物,要有真情实感,禁忌不可胡编乱造 英语翻译“亚洲金融风暴”. 温暖 微笑 坚韧不拔 造句金融风暴席卷全球,请用“温暖 微笑 坚韧不拔”造句,给世界人民送去安慰和鼓励.(50字) 英语翻译受2009年的全球金融风暴影响,我国实体经济急速回落,国内股市暴跌,房市成交量急剧萎缩,此时如何提高企业的生存和发展能力,成为房地产企业面临的紧迫问题.因此,降低成本、提高 美国的金融风暴蔓延全球,说明当今世界经济发展的什么特点? 帮忙翻译下面的句子人工的谢谢美国次贷危机引发金融风暴席卷全球,令全世界的经济开始下滑,股市大跌,美国房地产泡沫终于破灭.在人们都准备开源节流的时候,经济上的困境会给旅游带来 怎样看待席卷全球的经济危机 1997年的亚洲金融风暴是怎么引起的? 英语翻译一场金融海啸正在席卷全球,这是中国资金百年一遇的机会.美欧金融机构同时面临两个彼此关联、但处不同层面上的困境.第一个是因次贷投资失误而带来资本损失,必须补充资本金,