英语翻译1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 17:22:07
英语翻译1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等
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英语翻译1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等
1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.
2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚
3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等各种因素的调整而影响.
通知设备安装前一周内付预付款人民币 万元整

英语翻译1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等
1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.
The civil construction sketch drawings must be delivered by Party B within ___days after receipt of the contract fund
2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚
Party B shall ensure that all the equipment and construction contents are completed within __days.For every overdue day,Party A shall impose a fine of 0.0005% on the total contract price.
3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等各种因素的调整而影响.
The contract price shall not be affected by the price differentials of materials and any material price increases will not be compensated.
注:条件图可以称为information drawings 或sketch drawings.
通知设备安装前一周内付预付款人民币__ 万元整
An advanced payment of RMB__must be paid within one week before the notice of equipment installation.

A paragraph from the contract to B from days to surrender civil construction conditions map.
2 All the equipment works to ensure that the content of B-day (calendar days) to complete. Late Party a...


A paragraph from the contract to B from days to surrender civil construction conditions map.
2 All the equipment works to ensure that the content of B-day (calendar days) to complete. Late Party according to a daily total amount of five ten thousandths under the contract should be punished
3 material price increases are not retroactive, the difference is not material to various factors affecting the adjustment.


1.After ___ days of the money on contract has received, part B must finish the 土建筑工条件图(老大……这是什么图啊?我学建筑的都没听过)
2.Part B need to make sure all the equipment on the contrat are completed in ___ days (...


1.After ___ days of the money on contract has received, part B must finish the 土建筑工条件图(老大……这是什么图啊?我学建筑的都没听过)
2.Part B need to make sure all the equipment on the contrat are completed in ___ days (calendar day). otherwise part A have the right to impose Part B a fine as 5/10000 of the total sum per extra day.
3.Increased material price will not be added, the purchanse price is unacted on any kinds of factors like difference etc.


1 from signs the clause of agreement to arrive In the day the second party hands over the construction execution conditions chart. the 2 complete equipment construction content second party guaranteed...


1 from signs the clause of agreement to arrive In the day the second party hands over the construction execution conditions chart. the 2 complete equipment construction content second party guaranteed The day (calendar day) in completes. The exceeding the time limit first party according to punishes every day according to contract total amount extremely five the 3 material rises in prices does not amend after the fact, and so on each kind of factor's adjustment is not affected the material price difference. the question supplemented: This is my leader is called me to translate, I did not know that is any chart!how does also have this to translate! (my study construction, did not look my dizziness) in the notice equipment setup preceding week pays the advanced payment Renminbi Ten thousand Yuan


英语翻译1 自签约款到起 天内乙方交出土建施工条件图.2 全部设备施工内容乙方确保 天(日历天)内完成.逾期甲方按每天按合同总额的万分之五予以处罚3 材料涨价不追补,不受材料差价等 英语翻译1.乙方应提前2个月提供预估量,交货量增减不能超过预估量10%.如乙方有任何问题,应在甲方下预估单后5天内通知甲方.2.乙方应在价格上调前1个月书面通知甲方,双方同意后再交易.3.产 英语翻译1、违约责任:1) 乙方不能按照合同规定交货或延期交付货物至交货地点而造成损失的,除人力不可抗力事故外,在三个星期内每迟延一个星期,乙方应付给甲方迟交货物总值的1%的迟 在三个星期内每迟延一个星期,乙方应付给甲方迟交设备主机总值的1%的迟交违约金 该怎么翻译 英语翻译以上付款形式是在甲方收到乙方出具的正本发票后90天内,用电汇方式将费用付至乙方指定的银行账户内. 英语翻译签约技术人员的英文翻译 英语翻译50%订金,乙方收到货后3天内,甲乙双方现场开箱验货进行外观检查,核对无误后3天内付40%,货到后10个工作日内乙方安排调试验收事宜,验收后1周内付5%,剩余5%验收合格后1年内支付. 英语翻译1甲方应当在发货前6个月通知乙方发货.2若由于甲方原因延迟交货,那么由此产生的仓储费等损失应由甲方承担.3乙方在签订合同后7天内,向甲方提供的一份合同总价即USD10金额的百分 英语翻译在保修期内如出现故障,乙方将八个工作小时内赶到现场处理. 英语翻译请帮忙把以下的中文翻成英文,甲方产品要按乙方订单货期时间出场.否则,每延迟一天(扣除弹性时间5天计算)按产品值的1%计算,XX 给乙方.延迟10天以上(含10天)乙方可拒收订单产品, 英语翻译甲方需将余下加工费在出货后2个星期内T/T汇款给乙方. 英语翻译如果由于甲方原因,甲方需要提前终止本合同,甲方须按照 1年期 网络版使用权限的费用标准 14,000元/权限/年 ,向乙方和丙方补缴合同期限内的费用差额.该费用差额支付至乙方和丙方 一句话英语翻译 机器勿扰合同签订合同且乙方支付甲方首批工程款后 天交工签订合同且乙方支付甲方首批工程款后()天交工 英语翻译管理人员每周现场管理2,3天.甲方支付乙方管理费用2500每月 英语翻译在期限内没有把暂时进口的血球计数仪交还给甲方,所产生的责任由乙方承担,如有纠纷,由双方友好协商解决.英文怎么翻译阿?协商无法解决根据法律规定由仲裁解决.这句怎么翻译啊? 英语翻译甲方为给乙方加工女式大衣等产品,于2006年8月4日自乙方处进口各种面料共2816米,后因乙方取消订单中的尼龙女式短大衣,造成与之相对应的尼龙机制面料1100米闲置,现经双方协议,将此 1甲方应当在发货前6个月通知乙方发货.2若由于甲方原因延迟交货,那么由此产生的仓储费等损失应由甲方承担.3乙方在签订合同后7天内,向甲方提供的一份合同总价即USD10金额的百分之十(10% 英语翻译甲方按照乙方提供的内、外包装、塑料件、电脑板英文资料等印制,但须在交付订金前交付甲方.甲方负责协助乙方办理船运代理业务,费用由乙方支付.甲方负责报关、商检业务,费用