新概念英语一册总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句(新概念英语一册)总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句每个时态都造5局,最好是最简单的 那种,1.现在进行时 一般现在时3。

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:47:36
新概念英语一册总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句(新概念英语一册)总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句每个时态都造5局,最好是最简单的 那种,1.现在进行时 一般现在时3。
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新概念英语一册总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句(新概念英语一册)总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句每个时态都造5局,最好是最简单的 那种,1.现在进行时 一般现在时3。
每个时态都造5局,最好是最简单的 那种,
1.现在进行时 一般现在时3。一般过去时4。现在完成时5。一般将来时6。过去完成时7。过去进行时8。过去讲来时。每个5句,转化疑问句和否定句。回答好的再送500分,决不食言~#最好自己写,

新概念英语一册总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句(新概念英语一册)总结每个时态造5句,转为一般疑问和否定句每个时态都造5局,最好是最简单的 那种,1.现在进行时 一般现在时3。
1.现在进行时 be(am, is, are) doing
(1)i'm having lunch
(2) he is watching TV
(3) he is playing football
(4) he is doing homework
(5) the bird is flying
2.一般现在时 be/do/does
(1) he is a boy
(2) the sun is red
(3) she is my mum
(4) i am a student
(5) i hate you
3. 一般过去时
(1) he was my grandpa.
(2) he went to school
(3) i was young
(4) the light was off
(5) i loved him
4. 现在完成时
(1) i have already received the email.
(2) he has got the book.
(3) i have already had lunch \



学习新概念英语可以说是对英语学习很好的,但是你要主义方法,新概念英语里面的文章风趣语言地道,不是你看了,读了就行了的,你要背下他,这个是你以后英语写作和口语的基石,不过马上要考四六级了,不建议你以这本书为复习资料,通过四级考试,其实不难,现在着手准备完全赶的上,首先要有计划,每天背50个单词,2篇阅读,做完阅读要把文章的全文弄懂弄透,写作每3天一篇,每写一篇就要反复润色,记下一些模式(如果需要发消息给我,我可以提供),听力可以不着急,最后一个月的时候天天听试卷的内容,反复多次足以应付4 6级考试。



she is a pretty girl
Is she a pretty girl?
She isn't a pretty girl.
He usually go to cinema.
Does he usully go to cinema?
He doesn't usually go to cinema.
You lov...


she is a pretty girl
Is she a pretty girl?
She isn't a pretty girl.
He usually go to cinema.
Does he usully go to cinema?
He doesn't usually go to cinema.
You love Lily.
Do love Lily ?
You don't love Lily
She is at home now
Is she at home now?
She isn't at home now.
He is watching TV now.
Is he watching TV now?
He isn't watching Tv now.
Lily is doing her homework at this time.
Is Lily doing her homework at that time?
Lily isn't doing her homework at this time.
She bought a book yesterday.
Did she buy a book yeaterday?
She didn't buy a book yesterday.
She is going to London. She will go to ..
Is she going to London? Does she will go to
She is not going to London. She will not go
She has got it .
Has she got it?
She hasn't got it.


I am watching TV.
Am I watching TV?
I am not watching TV.
you are a boy.
are you a boy?
you are not a boy.
You was my love.
Was you my love?
You was not my love.
I ...


I am watching TV.
Am I watching TV?
I am not watching TV.
you are a boy.
are you a boy?
you are not a boy.
You was my love.
Was you my love?
You was not my love.
I have finished your homework
Have you finished your homework yet?
You have not finished your homework.
I will die.
Will I die?
I will not die.
I had done it before I went out.
Had you done it before you went out?
You had not done it before you went out.
本想写 懒得写,自己计算一下, 8个 每个15 句 自己算下 120句.你去死吧...



1.john's uncle is now studying in a university.
is john's uncle now studying in a university.
john's uncle is not now studying in a university.
2.You are...


1.john's uncle is now studying in a university.
is john's uncle now studying in a university.
john's uncle is not now studying in a university.
2.You are wasting your time trying to persuade him
are You wasting your time trying to persuade him
You are not wasting your time trying to persuade him
3.We are considering it.
are We considering it.
We are not considering it.
4.He is constantly leaving his things about.
He is not constantly leaving his things about.
Is he constantly leaving his things about.
5 he is reading 他正在读书
is he reading
he is not reading
Everyone in china likes Mid-Autumn Day.
does Everyone in china like Mid-Autumn Day.
Everyone in china do not like Mid-Autumn Day.
He expects you to do the job.
does He expect you to do the job.
He don't expect you to do the job.
it is rainy
is it rainy
it is not rainy 下雨了
the knowledge of English is a must in inter national trade today.
the knowledge of English is not a must in inter national trade today.
is the knowledge of English a must in inter national trade today.
he is 15 years old
is he 15 years old
he is not 15 years old 他15岁了
Whenever I visited him,he was always writing at the desk.
2.He succeeded because he worked hard.
3.Uncle introduced to me a businessman who is a billionaire.
4.She pretended[假装]not to see me when I passed by.
5.I invited[邀请]Tom and Ann to dinner,but neither of them came.
6.He suddenly returned on a rainy night.
1.Where have you put the recorder? I can't see it anywhere.
2.We haven't heard from Jane for a long time. What do you suppose has happened to her?
3.You don't need to describe her. I have met her several times.
4.No decision has been made about that matter yet. We are still considering it.
5.You should have put the milk in the ice-box; I expect it has become undrinkable by now.
It will rain 要下雨了
I am going to playing football 我要去 踢足球了
He will buy a car 他要买车了
she will change her miad tomorrow 她明天会该主意的
Tom will came next month 汤姆下个月回来
1.Though he had often made his little sister cry, today he was made to cry by his little sister.
2.We had just had our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
3.Until then, his family hadn't heard from him for six months.
4.Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.
5.No sooner had he finished his performance than the audiences began to cheer.
.I was doing my homework when Mike came last night.
2.While Ann was watching TV, her father came home.
3.What were you doing when I knocked at the door?
4.She wasn't cleaning the room when I went to see her.
5.I was spending my vocation England this time last summer.
改句型很简单的 自己改吧


i am having dinner
are you having dinner
she likes to watch tv
does she like to watch tv

she is a pretty girl
Is she a pretty girl?
She isn't a pretty girl.
He usually go to cinema.
Does he usully go to cinema?
He doesn't usually go to cinema.
You love Lily.
Do love Lily ?
You don't love Lily
