英语情景对话 四个人对话 每人至少一分钟You are considering getting married.But you are not sure whether you’d like to have a baby within the first two years of your marriage life.You are talking about this with your close friends w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:14:56
英语情景对话 四个人对话 每人至少一分钟You are considering getting married.But you are not sure whether you’d like to have a baby within the first two years of your marriage life.You are talking about this with your close friends w
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英语情景对话 四个人对话 每人至少一分钟You are considering getting married.But you are not sure whether you’d like to have a baby within the first two years of your marriage life.You are talking about this with your close friends w
英语情景对话 四个人对话 每人至少一分钟
You are considering getting married.But you are not sure whether you’d like to have a baby within the first two years of your marriage life.You are talking about this with your close friends who are married with kids.

英语情景对话 四个人对话 每人至少一分钟You are considering getting married.But you are not sure whether you’d like to have a baby within the first two years of your marriage life.You are talking about this with your close friends w
Me:Hi! I haven't seen you guys in a long time!
Friend 1: I missed you so much.
Friend 2: I heard you are getting married?
Friend 3: Oh, really? Why didn't you tell us?
Friend 4: Wow, you're going to be busy!
Me: Yes, I'm already very busy, so even doubt it if i would have any free time after marrying.
Friend 1: But love is always the most important thing in life!
Friend 2: Yes, and your girlfriend must have waited this for a long time.
Friend 3: You will not think the same after you have kid. Then you will be happy no matter if you are busy or not.
Friend 4: Oh, having a baby is REALLY going to ruin your life. Don't listen to him(pointing at Friend 3).
Me: I am actually thinking about this. I wonder if I should have a baby within the first two years after my marriage.
Friend 1: If you have a baby that soon, we won't get to hang out that often any more!
Friend 3: You should! A kid can sweep away much of your sadness and distress when you are frustrated.
Friend 2: You WILL be busier, but you can actually enjoy the process of raising a kid.
Friend 4: DO NOT get a baby! Well, at least not that fast. You should enjoy this wonderful world as much as you can before you die. And having a baby is NOT going to help.
Me: Hmm. But I heard that having a baby could maintain a marriage better than without a baby.
Friend 4: That's just a myth! The quality of marriage is determined by you and your wife yourselves, not other side factors.
Friend 3: I actually do think that having a baby helps, because this is one of the few common interest and concern between you and your wife.
Friend 2: Umm, I think it might help a little, but not that quickly, since within two years, you and your wife would still be having a sweet life of love.
Friend 1: Yes! Treat your baby like a toy and raising it would be a chance to play with your wife. Life will be filled with fun!
Me: So how do you guys feel about your life after having kids?
Friend 1: Life is so fun with the kids! Before I had these cute angels, I used to stick to my computer all day long, even after I got married! I know that is a bad habit and it is harming my health, but I am so dependent upon the internet that I couldn't resist. However, after my kids were born, I feel the responsibilities of being a father. I realized that these little creatures are from me! I need to take care of them.
Friend 2: Having kids are nice, and you will realize later that kids are mandatory in maintaining a good family. I agree with Friend 1. Before I had kids, life to me is just fooling around a couple of years and you go to the tomb. But my mind changed after I had kids. I figured out that from now on I not only live for myself, I also need to live for my kids. I need to see them grow up and be happy.
Friend 3: I think my children make up the meaning of my life. It is hard to raise children but you will receive rewards for dedicating enough time and effort. One day, if you have kids, you will understand what I just said.
Friend 4: My kids are just devils in my life... BUT, occasionally there is that one moment they will make you remember for a life time. Yes they are evil for most of the time and i do feel my life could have been a lot better without them. But that one moment just makes you feel that all the work and all the stress for them are so worthing it.
Me: So, I guess I should have children soon after getting married. Thank you guys so much for giving me such precious advice. See you later!
Friend 1&2&3&4: See you soon! We will expect you to bring a little creature with you next time!

一: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)
女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。)
男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)
女:Why? Are you le...


一: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)
女:Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。)
男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)
女:Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)
二: A burglar 入室盗窃者

A man went to the police office wishing to speak with the burglar who had broken into his house the night before.
"You will get your chance in court." said the Desk Sergeant.
"No, no, no." said the man. "I want to know how he got into the house without waking my wife. I've been trying to do that for years."
三:The Looney Bin (疯人院)
Late one night at the insane asylum (疯人院)one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!"
Another one said, "How do you know?"
The first inmate said, "God told me!"
Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!"
(1)Looney (俚语)疯子
(3)insane asylum (疯人院)
四:Mother Was too Busy 妈妈太忙
Mother Was too Busy
Teacher: Mike, you're always asking your father to do your homework instead, and again this time.....
Mike: Pardon, sir, this time at first I would not let him do it, but mother was too busy.
五:When Do People Talk Least? 人们什么时候说话最少?
When Do People Talk Least?
Student A: When do people talk least?
Student B: In February.
Student A: Why?
Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year.
