
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 05:26:39
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My name is XXX.Before XXX,I have another name,that is XXX,this is given by my grandmother before I was born.But I do not like it,because XXX is always sounds less nicely,and it seems very old.Later,a short time after I was born,my parents changed my name into XXX.
X is my family name.At first,I did not like it because so many people named X,and later felt that,after all,IT'S the family's surname,and accepted it.X means miss ,X also can be a childhood in the hope that I will have really good childhood.There is another meaning:X represents my father,because my father is also named X,X is miss,my mother named X,like X,so,XXX can also be father misses mother,because of my parents ,so there is me.
There is another way of saying ,that is my parents want to grow as generous as Indus,friendly,so the name has X.
I like my name,because my name contains my parents' love,expectation to me.I am so proud of the parents consideration,and I will work hard because they love me,and I also love them.

my name is XXX, before i used this name,i had another one that is XXX which was named by my grandma, but i did dislike it for its sounded terrible and outdated. and then, my parents changed my name XX...


my name is XXX, before i used this name,i had another one that is XXX which was named by my grandma, but i did dislike it for its sounded terrible and outdated. and then, my parents changed my name XXX for the older one before long .
X is my last name; because it is too ordinary so i didn't like it for the beginning. later on, i thought that it is our family name on earth and i accepted it. X means miss, and X also can imply childhood .the moral of my name is that i will have a wonderful childhood. in my name it has another meaning that is X stand for father for its his last name; X means miss, X is mather's family name which is like X, so my name means father miss mother and my born is for the sake of their love .
there is also has another statement that is my parents hoped me just like chinese plane tree to be good taste and friendly, which is why the word X was incloved in my name.
i love my name which is incloved with my parents' love and hope. i 'm pround of them,and i will try my best to love them just what them do for me.


My name is XXX. Before the XXX, I have another name, that is XXX,this is given by my grandmother before I was born. But I do not like it, because XXX is always sounds less nicely, and it seems very o...


My name is XXX. Before the XXX, I have another name, that is XXX,this is given by my grandmother before I was born. But I do not like it, because XXX is always sounds less nicely, and it seems very old. Later, a short time after I was born, my parents changed my name into XXX.
X is my family name. At first, I did not like it because so many people named X, and later felt that, after all, IT'S the family's surname, and accepted it. X means miss , X also can be a childhood in the hope that I will have really good childhood. There is another meaning: X represents my father, because my father is also named X, X is miss, my mother named X, like X, so, XXX can also be father misses mother, because of my parents ,so there is me.
There is another way of saying ,that is my parents want to grow as generous as Indus, friendly, so the name has X.
I like my name, because my name contains my parents' love, expectation to me. I am so proud of the parents consideration, and I will work hard because they love me, and I also love them,too.


My name is XXX. In XXX, I have another name, that is, XXX, this is the grandmother since before I was born, but I do not like, because the total is less XXX nicely, and it looks very old, and later, i...


My name is XXX. In XXX, I have another name, that is, XXX, this is the grandmother since before I was born, but I do not like, because the total is less XXX nicely, and it looks very old, and later, in the near future I do not just born My parents in turn I changed its name to XXX.
X is my name at the beginning did not like it, because so many people named X, and later felt that, after all, the family's surname, they accepted, X miss the meaning, X also can be a childhood in the hope that I will be there is a really good childhood. There is another meaning: X on behalf of my father, because my father is also named X, X is a miss, my mother named X, X-like, so, XXX can be a father again missed his mother, because of my parents only me.
There is another way of saying that the parents want the same as I would like to Indus is the atmosphere, friendly, so the name has X.
I like my name, because my name with my parents my love, my hope, and I am so proud of the parents of motives, and I will work hard, because they love me, and I also. Yamashita returned to the initial starting point, although there are numerous mosquitoes along the way, everyone is very tired, but still very happy that, in general, is a pleasant journey


英语翻译!请叫他xxx,因为他的名字不是xx,而且xx在中文里是个不好听的名字 英语翻译请翻译:我的名字是XXX.在XXX之前,我还有另一个名字,就是XXX,这是在我出生之前外婆起的,但是我并不喜欢,因为XXX总不那么好听,又显得很老,后来,在我不刚出生不久,我父母又将我改名 英语翻译Domain Name我的问题是如何翻译本站域名是:XXX.XX这句话 帮我弄一个XXX丶XX样式的名字是XXX丶XX的哦 符号就是丶这个 英语翻译如果我住在xx市xx区xx镇xxx村xx河湾xx号要怎么翻译?一定要准,要在签证申请表上写的,我真的很急,又不能找人代填…… 英语翻译“像素迷宫”和“XX制作”(XX是名字)帮我翻译下引号里的字, 我的中文名字是XXX.翻译英语 英语翻译请格外英文好的朋友帮我翻译封中文信,内容:您好,我是贵站的会员,我的帐户:XXX ,贵公司于XX月XX日为我重发的支票已经收到,我还有另一帐户XXX,XX月XX日寄出的支票还没收到,请为我 英语翻译很高兴站在这里、将来我想成为一个xx(职业),我的爱好是XX.请帮我翻译一下下 英语翻译各位领导早上好,我很高兴/很荣幸在这里向各位介绍自己.我的名字是XXX,我出生在XX这座美丽的小城市.自从6年前大学毕业后,我一直在XX宾馆工作,我的工作岗位是前台,我非常喜欢这份 英语翻译这是我的名字:“赵意平”请翻译一下, “我的职位是XX,主要负责XXX工作.”翻译为英文,谢 英语翻译我的名字叫XX,我有一个朋友叫XXx,他很壮,肤色很黑,我们关系不错.但他总是强迫我请他吃炒面,所以我感到很伤心,因为我没钱 我要升初中了 求一篇英语自我介绍我的名字叫XXX 我今年xx岁 我从xxxx小学毕业 我喜欢xx 我最喜欢的颜色是xx 我家有三口人 xx xx xx 我爸爸是一个 xx 我妈妈是一个 xx 我长大想当xx 我爱我的家 英语翻译5个答案到底哪个是对的啊?第一种xx Corporation Ltd.NO.xxx,xxx street,xxx Town,xxx City,xxx Province.第二种XX市XX有限责任公司 ; XXCity XX Limited & Liability CompanyXX省XX市XX镇XX街XXX号; NumberXXX XX Street XX 英语翻译 他的出生地在广东XXX(XX就用xx表示) 急呀 我叫XXX,今年XX岁.我们家有爸爸妈妈妹妹和我.我的爱好是唱歌.英语翻译 英语翻译如果XX与XXX存在关联,那XX将不能被删除就翻译这句,是计算机行业用的,