
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:01:48
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Horses in the wild,are social animals,take care of each other,let the horse feel more secure.Fed the horses,although some live in a barn for a horse,but horses have a great need for companions.Usually raise a number of other racecourses animals such as dogs,goats and even donkeys,etc.,can be used as a horse companion.Between a group of horses living together,is very class conscious.Usually among a group of wild horses,there will be a male horse leader.Among the horses fed,there will be a geld a horse or mare as leaders.Two horses to compete head position,or to challenge the new leader of the horse,usually a fight to resolve.Of course,the two male horse mare to compete,but also one of the fight.Young horses together,often chasing each other,kicking,biting,this is not the real fight,but fun.Learning from play communication and interpersonal skills,the growth of this colt is very important.Compared to other animals,the horse is a very gentle animal.Horses do not usually take the initiative to attack humans or other animals,when the danger is Sanshiliuji go for the best,up to escape.In the Mustang group,some pregnant mare pony or can not run away,horses will be in the middle of them,we butt outwards,with its only weapon - the rear foot,then kick against predators.马在野生环境中,是社会动物,照顾彼此,让马感到更加安全.喂马,虽然有些生活在一个谷仓一匹马,但马有一个伟大的需要同伴.通常提高其他racecourses动物,如狗、山羊甚至是驴,马等,可以用作伴侣.之间的一群马住在一起,非常阶级意识.通常在一群野马,领袖的公马.马喂,会有一个阉割一匹马或母马的领导人.两匹马头部位置竞争,或挑战的新领导人马,通常是一个解决战斗.当然,两位男演员马母马竞争,而且斗争之一.年轻的马在一起,经常互相追逐,踢,咬,这不是真正的战斗,但有趣.学习沟通和人际关系技巧,玩这个柯尔特的增长是非常重要的.与其他动物相比,马是一种非常温和的动物.马通常不主动攻击人或其他动物,当危险Sanshiliuji去是最好的,逃避.野马集团一些怀孕的母马小马或不能逃跑,马将在他们的中间,我们对接外,唯一的武器——后面的脚,然后踢对捕食者.