
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 16:43:06
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American woman writer Margaret?Michaelle is livinged to American Zuo to cure a lawyer's family of second state Atlanta City on November 8, 1900.Since in early childhood, Margaret always hears her father and friends and the residents' being about Civil War.Since 1922, she starts using she's pet name"wear Ji" for 《newspaper in Atlanta 》write.At later of four the middle of the year, have 129 sign signature of and in great quantities didn't sign signature of the manuscripts see the various report carrying.There is a set of the special subject report that would was Margaret for the southern federal to will get to write in the past way in these manuscripts.She decides to take Atlanta as background to compose a novel concerning Civil War topic at the age of 26.This writing has she 10 years, temporary entitle 《tomorrow is new day 》.The first draft of the novel big part chapter is as early as 1929 complete.She completes first of is the novel last chapter, then return to write an anterior chapter.She always didn't press the order of sequence writing of the affairs occurrence, but thought of where write where.

Margaret Michaele , an American female writer, was born in a lawyer's family in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on Nov.8,1900. From her early years, Margaret had often heard the conversations about the Civil Wa...


Margaret Michaele , an American female writer, was born in a lawyer's family in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on Nov.8,1900. From her early years, Margaret had often heard the conversations about the Civil War between her father and his friends, as well as the neighbors. Since 1992, she began to contributed to Atlanta Journal under her nickname "Peggy". In the following four years, there are 129 onymous and a great of innominate pieces articles published, of which a group of articles were feature stories designed for the southern federal generals. In 26 years old, she decided to write a novel about Civil War set in Atlanta, which took her almost 10 years and the novel was named Tommorow is Another Day. The first draft of the novel's most chapters was completed in 1929. She firstly finished the last chapter and then the former ones, and never wrote according to the orders of the accidents. She was just writing as she liked.


U.S. writer Margaret? Mitchell November 8, 1900 was born in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, a lawyer family. From childhood onwards, Margaret to hear her father from time to time with friends and talk a...


U.S. writer Margaret? Mitchell November 8, 1900 was born in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, a lawyer family. From childhood onwards, Margaret to hear her father from time to time with friends and talk about the Civil War between residents. From 1922 onwards, she starts using her nickname "Peggy" to "Atlanta Journal" writer. Four years later, there are 129 signed and unsigned releases a large number of newspapers. There are a set of these articles is Margaret Confederate generals of the past to write feature stories. Atlanta at age 26 she decided to write a background theme of the novel about the Civil War. This accounts for her writing almost 10 years, tentatively named "Tomorrow is another day." Early draft of the novel most of the chapters was completed in 1929. She first completed the last chapter of the novel, and then return to write the previous chapter. She has not written according to the sequence of events, but think of where to write where.


英语翻译美国女作家玛格丽特?米歇尔1900年11月8日生于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个律师家庭.自孩提时起,玛格丽特就时时听到她父亲与朋友们以及居民之间谈论南北战争.从1922年起,她开始 美国女作家赛珍将水浒传翻译成英文时定名为什么 美国女作家 双目失明 双耳失聪在问下她的代表作是什么 美国女作家赛珍珠在将《水浒传》翻译成英文时定名为? 美国女作家赛珍珠把水浒传翻译成英文是明明为什么? 德国译本 强盗与土兵英国译本 在 沼泽地法国译本 中国的勇士美国女作家布克夫人的则本 四海之内皆兄弟他们均翻译的是我国的( )这一古典名著. 水浒传的一些试题,求迅速解答.美国女作家赛珍珠将它翻译成英文时定名为(  ),鲁智深和李逵同是(   )的人物形象,但鲁智深(  );李逵(  ).林冲和武松是《水浒传》浓 英语翻译请用英语翻译作家的姓名, 暮色英文简介词汇不需太难,几句话就好,就是说“暮色是一部讲述咯爱与勇气的电影,很值得一看”之类的话,谢谢大家咯Twilight 《暮色》已于11月上映,他改编自美国女作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Step 关于水浒传的习题《水浒传》描写了北宋时以( )为首的108名好汉在( )聚义,打家劫舍,杀富济贫的豪举.鲜明的表现了( )的主题.美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文是定名为( ) 填空,1、美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文是定名为_______2、鲁智深同李逵,同是______的人物形象,但鲁智深_______;李逵则_____.3、林冲和武松同是水浒传浓墨重彩刻画之人,也都武艺高强,有勇 英语翻译我崇拜的人是英国作家L. 英语翻译:这位作家正在写一部新小说 英语翻译这是英国作家雪莱的一句话 老舍作为一名作家而著名.(英语翻译) 用英语翻译:美国著名的聋盲女作家、教育家. 英语翻译是澳大利亚作家小说里面的一个地方 美国女航天员和男航天员在太空干什么?