英译汉(急求)b.Criminal Cases(1)At trial:In a criminal trial,the burden of producing evidence is originally carried by the prosecution.The defendant only carries the burden of producing trial evidence if he wishes to assert an affirmative

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:19:28
英译汉(急求)b.Criminal Cases(1)At trial:In a criminal trial,the burden of producing evidence is originally carried by the prosecution.The defendant only carries the burden of producing trial evidence if he wishes to assert an affirmative
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英译汉(急求)b.Criminal Cases(1)At trial:In a criminal trial,the burden of producing evidence is originally carried by the prosecution.The defendant only carries the burden of producing trial evidence if he wishes to assert an affirmative
b.Criminal Cases
(1)At trial:In a criminal trial,the burden of producing evidence is originally carried by the prosecution.The defendant only carries the burden of producing trial evidence if he wishes to assert an affirmative defense.In some jurisdiction,the prosecution bears the burden of producing evidence to establish the non-existence of an affirmative defense.
(2)In pre- and post-trial matters:In pre-trial and post-trial proceedings,the question of who bears the burden of production varies according to the issue in dispute.For example,the prosecution bears the burden of producing evidence that a defendant should be detained prior to his trial.Once the defendant has been detained prior to trial,the defendant bears the burden of producing evidence justifying reconsideration of his detention.

英译汉(急求)b.Criminal Cases(1)At trial:In a criminal trial,the burden of producing evidence is originally carried by the prosecution.The defendant only carries the burden of producing trial evidence if he wishes to assert an affirmative

B. 刑事案件
(1)在试验:在刑事审判中, 举证责任由控方进行最初。 被 告只进行生产试验的证据的负 担,如果他想要主张积极抗辩。 在某些 司法管辖权 , 原告 承担 举证 建立 一个 积极抗辩 不存在 的负担 。
(2)前和试验后的事项:在审 前和审后程序,谁承担举证根据 问题的变化。 例如,原告熊生 产的证据,被告应被拘留审讯前 的负担。 一旦 被告人 已被拘 留, 此前的审...


B. 刑事案件
(1)在试验:在刑事审判中, 举证责任由控方进行最初。 被 告只进行生产试验的证据的负 担,如果他想要主张积极抗辩。 在某些 司法管辖权 , 原告 承担 举证 建立 一个 积极抗辩 不存在 的负担 。
(2)前和试验后的事项:在审 前和审后程序,谁承担举证根据 问题的变化。 例如,原告熊生 产的证据,被告应被拘留审讯前 的负担。 一旦 被告人 已被拘 留, 此前的审判中, 被告人承 担 举证 证明 他的 拘留 复议 的负 担 。


英译汉(急求)b.Criminal Cases(1)At trial:In a criminal trial,the burden of producing evidence is originally carried by the prosecution.The defendant only carries the burden of producing trial evidence if he wishes to assert an affirmative criminal求翻译 criminal criminal的美式读法是什么?求音标 已知a/a+b/b+c/c=1,求(abc/abc)2011次方÷(bc/ab×ac/bc×ab/ca)的值.急! 已知a=2005,b=2006,c=2007,求a的平方+b的平方+c的平方-ab-bc-ca的值(很急) 设a.b.c是非零有理数,求a/|a|+b/|b|+c/|c|+ab/|ab|+bc/|bc|+ca/|ca|+abc/|abc|的最小值急 求助:法律英文文献翻译(急啊.)Criminalization and Decriminalization - Definition Of A criminal SanctionBefore examining the wide variety of issues involved in the choice of the criminal sanction, it is useful to consider what it mea (最后)the police caught the criminal Ca(OH)2中Ca的化合价急!~ 已知平面内三点A,B,C满足|AB|=3,|BC|=5,|CA|=6,则(上标为向量)AB*BC+BC*CA+CA*AB=?求过程怎么做,在线等,题目绝对没有错误,答案是-35急求!谢谢 急求!高一必修五不等式若a>b>c,求证:ab²+bc²+ca² 若a+b+c=0,a^2+b^2+c^2=1时,试求:(1)ab+bc+ca;还有:(2)a^4+b^4+c^4的值.麻烦您快点,我急! 若a b c为实数且a²+b²+c²-ab-bc-ca=0求证a=b=c急求 在△ABC中,AB=c,BC=a,CA=b,角B≠90° 求证:a²+c²=b²;急求! 若abc+ab+bc+ca+a+b+c=29 且a b c为正整数 求a b c值急. 烧碱是NaOH还是Ca(OH)2急求指点 Ca(OH)2和H2SO4反应化学式求````急死了```