
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 01:33:52
1800年是平年还是闰年如果1800年不是闰年的话那么1796年是闰年啊! 开立方怎么计算 求225开立方是多少 y=x三次方-3x,0≤x≥10的最大值,最小值, 函数y=2sin(x/3+π/6),x∈R的图像,是由函数y=2sinx,x∈R的图像经过怎样的变化得到的? f(x)=[(1+x)/(1-x)]e^(-ax)求导 为了得到函数y=2sin(x/3+π/6),x∈R的图像,只需把函数y=2sinx,x∈R的图像上所有的点怎样移动啊?形如y=Asin(ωx+φ)图象的移动过程中,先移ω,或是先移φ,有区别吗? 函数y=2sin(3x+π/4)的图像可以经过怎样的途径变换到y=-2sinx 开立方咋做 若代数式4y²+ay+6-2(by²+2y)-1值与y无关,求代数式a²+2b²-½(a²-3b²)RT y=a^(x-1),x∈[2,3]上最大值最小值差为12,求a 将最小正周期为π/2的函数g(x)=根号2sin(ωx+φ+π/4)(ω>0,lφl 函数y=a^x在[0,1]上的最大值与最小值的和为3,则y=3ax-1在[0,1]上的最大值是___ 为什么? 英语课堂十分钟,帮帮 初三上册英语人教版听力 十分钟之内回的100分 《有效课堂》初三上册英语答案? 二次函数中b的符号确定什么来着?都忘了.我记得跟函数的对称轴有关吧!B>0 和 B 二次函数中怎样能根据图像一眼看出b的符号 二次函数图像中a.b的符号由什么决定二次函数图像中a的符号由_____决定开口向______ <=>a____ 0开口向______ <=>a____ 0二次函数图像中b的符号由________决定 3 _______ 在y轴的左侧<=>a.b __ 2011海淀初三二模物理答案最后一题和填空最后一题 急 英语 非谓语动词的 谁给 (1)-My sister could't help jumping with joy at the news .-Why not One can't imagine what it feels like__the firstprize.A winning Bto win C win D having won 为什么 选B(2) Recently ,a second-grader from 求解英语非谓语动词题( A )good,the apples were soon sold well.A.Tasting B.Taste C.Tasted D.Having tasted I smell something ( ) in the kitchen.Can I call you back in aminute A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burntC ,我的理由是 某些东西被烧焦了,所以用现在一般式的被动态--------------------------------------------------------- With ten miles (),we must speed up so that we can get there before.A.goes B.going C.to go D.gone 『急』几道英语非谓语动词题求解1 I've worked with children before,so Iknow what ___in my new jobA.expected B.to expect C.to be expecting D.expects2.There are five pairs ___,but I'm at a loss which to buy.A.to be chosen B.to choose from 6356-592-1356-408的简便计算480÷()÷() 什么是平方运算的逆运算 The king is said ( ) by the spider weaving its web in the caves where he was hiding and defeated his enemy at last.A.to be encouragingB.to have encouragedC.to be encouragedD.to have been encouraged为什么选D? 2007海淀一模理综物理20题 为什么P、Q是某电场中一条电场线上的两点,一点电荷仅在电场力作用下,沿电场线从P点运动到Q点,过此两点的速度大小分别为vP和vQ,其速度随位移变化的图象如图所示 谁能帮我找一下非谓语动词.讲解和习题. 英语翻译写一封道歉信,告诉收信人王明自己不能去参加晚宴,因为之前已经接受了另外一个朋友的邀请去听音乐会.单词在100左右就行,写信人王信 1._ in thought ,he almost ran into the car in front of him.A.Losing B.Having lost C.Lost D.To lose(应该选C,我知道 lost 是形容词,可为什么这里可以用)2.European football is played in 80 countries ,_it the most popular sport in the w