
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 06:36:55
【【急,半个小时内】】五年级数学题【数学高材生进!】答对了,A≠0,B≠0,用“>”或“<”填空.若A×0.4=B×0.5,则A( )B.若A÷0.4=B÷0.5,则A( )B.若A÷B=1.2,则A( )B. 计算 ①m²-﹙m+2﹚﹙m-3﹚ ②﹙a-b﹚²+b(2a=b) ③﹙x-3y﹚(y+3x)-(x-3y)(3x-y)④﹙2x-y+3﹚(2x+y-3) 分解因式 ① ab³-4ab ② 3x²y+12xy²+12y³ ③ -3x²y³z+9x³y³z-6x四次方yz² 已知x+y=1,x^3+3x²+3x+3y-3y²+y^3=37,则(x+1)^4+(y-1)^4=?已知x+y=1,x的³+3x²+3x+3y-3y²+y的³=37,则(x+1)^4+(y-1)^4=?A.337 B.17 C.97 D.1 (a+5)(b+5) (3x-y)(2x+3y) (3x-2)(2x-3)(x+2) (四分之三xy²)² (2ab²)x(-3a) 已知x²-3x+1=0,求根号下x²+x²分之1-2的值. 已知X²-3X+1=0,求根号(X²+1/X²-2)的值 (高额悬赏) 英文歌嗷嗷有一首歌,让我听了一次就喜欢上了,但是找了很久都找不到,麻烦知道的人具体的不是很清楚,一个女的唱的`总有一点 嗷嗷 在里面. 解方程,去括号,去分母 2(x-4)+2x=7-(x-1) 4x-3 2x-1 ——--——=x (解方程)先去分母的做法 5 4 方程2x-x+1/2=1去分母得4x-1=1对还是错2x-x+1/2=1去分母得4x-x-1=1 一道英语题嗷嗷嗷 1.2题!着实着急嗷嗷嗷 某宾馆安排一批游客住宿,如果安排2人一间,则有人无法安排;如果3人一间,则刚好空出2间房,问:这批游客有多少人? 求积分~!嗷嗷嗷若函数f(x)在上[a,b]连续,且∫b a f(x)dx=12,求∫b a[3f(x)+4]dx= 已知 x²+3x+1 =0 ,求x²+x²分之1 的值 英语翻译其实我是技校毕业 什么都不懂的我对象大学本科的 学英语的 让我帮找找~我 怎么 懂呢 只好上网来求各位哥哥姐姐了啊 帮帮小弟了啊 · 英语翻译A towering new memorial was unveiled on the National Mall in Washington,D.C.this week.It honors the Rev.Martin Luther King Jr.(1929–1968) as a man of peace.King delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memoria 英语翻译Despite some resistance to further change,these forces of cultural inertia and the traditional family division of labor have failed to stop the enormous changes in women’s status that have occurred in the past century .It is unclear why x²+3x-130=0求解如题,求详解 已知x²-3x+1=0 求根号x²+1/x²-2 任意实数X,比较3X^+2X-1与X^+5X-3的大小("^"这个是平方的意思) 一、请按照合乎逻辑的顺序将下列句子排成对话,并在句子前的括号里写出排列后的序号.( )Do you feel tired ( )Yes ,my whole body feels weak .I really feel terrible .( )All right ,please .( )I'm sorry you had to wait so l 就是那个什么寒假生活那个嗷嗷嗷!我就快死掉啦!还有两天就开学我一个字都没写!谁有整本答案哎哎哎哎哎哎哎哎哎1我同学都没有写完的! 电报是什么? 对下联;1量杯量筒,量量学识深浅.2忆往昔沧桑岁月. 一家商店的招牌是“行行行”,请标出读音并略加说明 "write about your life 20 years from now"英语作文,用将来时态. write about your town and the best places/things there.字数不限. 急求一篇英语作文Write a letter to tell your friends about your university life.(字数至少100词) Write a passage about your favorite sport. The following questions may heip you.写一篇英语作文1.What sports du you like?2.What's your favorite sport? Why?3.How often do you do it ?4.Who is your favorite piayer? Why ? Write a few senteneces about your favorite animal.帮忙写篇英语作文啊.题目是My Favorite Animal 六年级数学两道应用题求帮忙!