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来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/24 06:25:04 体裁作文


  When the war will stop it? I believe that every peace-loving people have asked it. Stone Age tribes from fighting wars to World War II as well as the first modern war on terror now……seems to be endless.

  Party to victory in the war will bring great benefits, but benefits the same time, it will bring death to both the war, hunger, pestilence and hate both. A jump of war, hatred, hatred of another shift back then, this is the continuation of the secret war. But war will consume property, will take away life, war, the end result will be loss of life, a blank, so people calling to stop the war. But how can we let this war will never disappear from the world, the devil do? War to get away, we must show forgiveness instead of hatred; let sympathy instead of cold; so ruthless ... Let kindness instead of guns from children's toy boxes disappeared; to war movie disappears from the TV screen……

  War to get away, we must all have broad tolerance of the heart, can not ask others to like you, because the world leaves no two identical, no two exactly the same thing. Who have their own beliefs, their habits……If you ask others and the same will lead to dissatisfaction with each other, which is the fuse of war Moreover, if everyone the same, that the world is how tedious ah !

  Also, the war to get away, but also to allow people not in selfishness. A difficult one, P Plus support, so that people will help each other, help each other, believe the war can not be grown in this environment it!

  The way to war with thousands of disappears, however, boils down to only one, that is: the world is full of love.


English learning language



March 12th.2013


Do you know the “World War II?” On account of people’s spirit, do you know how many people die in this war and how much waste in this war? There have ninety million people die and four trillion dollars waste in this thing. The war is like demon, it is never a good thing. War is destructive wastes resources, breaks relationships and stains history. . War will make much waste, death and radiation. War makes more ammunition, waste resource. This has been a huge problem, do we need weapons, now every country in the production of their own weapons. It will cost a lot of resources, such as carbon, coal and iron;

we should not use them on weapons. Many people will join war, of course, there will have people died. They are slaughtered. I don’t need example;

it’s a matter of course. And many people will join the war;

so many people will die, not some. Do you know Nanking Massacre? Do you how many people died in this war? 300 thousand! Many war they will use CBW (Chemical and Biological Weapon), it will havoc the environment. As a person, you should consider about your descendant and our earth, you must protect them.

War will affect international relationship and people’s mentality. The war will affect relationship of 2 countries. The war like evil, gives people fear. If a country has war, the people can’t believe the country themselves. In a country, which one is a most important?

It’s your people, they are you country’s foundation. War gives detest and anger to us, and the primary cause is people’s lust.

War will give people fear, when war start, people feel dread, afraid, and cold and hungry follow everybody. War neveris good thing. Then nobody will believe your country which will become:” Sin city”. Not only in this way, because of people nervous will be riots. If at that time in regret it is too late. War a stain in history. It will affect history for this country, when other countries see your country’s history, they will become angry or dispute. War always has a negative effect on history, whether victory or failure, that is of no significance.When happens in one country or several countries, it causes severe damage and pollution. Many historical relics and human wisdom have disappeared duri.ng the war. Our ancestors have experienced the pain of the war;

I believe they also don't want to us to create the war. War is brutal


instead we should use wisdom to solve problems. As time goes by, now we need to build relationships in the world.

Although the war will never disappear in the world, it give much destroy and pain to us. Now we know how to change our earth to a big family.



a long tongue 长舌 a middle man 经纪人 one's good man 良人 a rotten egg 腐坏的蛋 wild beast 野兽 a warm heart 热心 vain glory 虚荣 a fat job 肥缺 turbid tide 浊流 angry waves 怒涛 a slip knot 活结 laughing-stock 笑柄 a great blow 大打击 to eat one's words 食言 to remove mountains 移山 to open fire开火 to fan the flame 煽动 to buy off 收买 to be at home 到家 to pick holes in 找漏洞 to go side by side 雁行 to doubt;

to be hesitant狐疑 to bridge over a gap 渡难关 to be pale before 逊色 to stink of money 有铜臭 to eat the leek 忍辱吞声 to out-Herod 穷凶恶极

to cudgel one's brains 绞脑汁 more dead than alive 精疲力尽 with might and main 尽全力 out of breath:上气不接下气 hale and heart 矍铄 hot and heavy 猛烈 change 变化

chop and change 变化无常 fret and fume 焦急;发怒

hum and ha(w) 支吾;吞吞吐吐make merry:作乐 hardships;toil 辛苦 toil and moil 劳碌 busy 忙碌

as busy as a bee:忙忙碌碌 blockhead 木头

a rain of bullets:弹雨

an outsider 门外汉

a gleam of hope 一线希望 the woman's reason 女人道理 castle in the air 空中楼阁 antique flavor 古色古香 saying and doing 言行 to wash one's hands 解手 It serves you right! 活该 by and by 不久

Walls have ears 隔墙有耳 God knows 天晓得 gammon;fudge 瞎话 hand and foot 手脚 mop and mow:装鬼脸 poke and pry 好管闲事 low;at the bottom 低下 face to face 封面 upside down 倒置

a quail;a soiled dove野鸡 a sodden sheep 落汤鸡 a black sheep 害群之马

the apple of one's eye掌上明珠 under the sod 黄泉之下 clean-handed 两袖清风

No money,no honey 无钱无甜 Up corn,down horn:榖贵肉贱 hanky-panky;hocus-pocus 把戏hurdy-gurdy 绞弦琴 humpty-dumpty:矮胖子 kicky-wicky 河东狮

linsey-woolsey 棉毛(交织物) lovey-dovey 亲爱的 popsy-wopsy 小妹妹 kith and kin 亲友 humour 幽默 model 模特兄 modern 摩登 romantic 浪漫 honey-moon 蜜月 black list 黑名单

eternal triangle 三角恋爱 ivory tower 象牙塔 life line 生命线 virgin soil处女地

curve of beauty:曲线美 Bushido 武士道


bourgeois 中产阶级 proletariat 无产阶级 Bolshevik 过激派 Menshevik 稳健派 tit for tat:一报还一报 cash and carry 现购自运 wear and tear 消耗

mess of pottage 导致将来吃大亏的暂时享受 Benjamin's mess 大股;殊恩 a Job's comforter不善安慰者 sheep and goats 善人与恶人 the good Samaritan 乐善好施者 the prodigal son 浪荡子 an Adonis 美男子 Homeric laughter 大笑 Platonic love 精神恋爱 El Dorado 黄金国

a wise man of Gotham笨伯 pell-mell 乱七八糟 topsy-turvy 七颠八倒 tumultuous 乱糟(糟)

hurly-burly 吵闹;吵吵闹闹

helter-skelter;hurry-scurry 仓皇;慌忙 be ruined;go to ruin:零落 go to rack and ruin:七零八落 stroke and strife:狼籍 slip-slop 龌龊;亢脏 fair and square 磊落 clear 清楚


cordial 亲密 near and dear 亲亲密密 splendid 体面

plain,obvious 明白 stable;steady 常稳 steady as rock 四平八稳 slow and steady:稳妥 slow and sure 稳健:沉着 a great many 许许多多 for ever 永远

for ever and ever:永永远远 with airs and graces 娇滴滴 look coy 羞答答 boiling hot 热腾腾 grievous 悲切切

an obscene picture 春宫

a love potion;a philter 春药

to sell one's favors:卖春 biting irony:冷嘲热讽

shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠 as mad as a hatter 大发雷霆 as dry as sawdust 味同嚼蜡

run against;dash against;collide with 横闯直撞 burn one's boat 有进无退

through and through;out and out 撤头撤尾 practice jobbery;graft 假公济私 rob Peter to pay Paul 挖东补西 hail the rising sun 趋炎附势 a hair-splitter 钻牛角尖 a sea of faces人山人海

rise above the herd 出类拔萃 catch at shadows捕风捉影 vanish into thin air 烟消去散 muddle胡思乱想

half in doubt 半信半疑

soldiers and soldiers:陆海军人 miles and miles:不可以道里计 so-and-so 某某;某事 such and such 如此如此 hot and hot 滚熟

out-and-out:完完全全;绝对的 many and many a time屡次 thus and thus 如此如此 effete 精疲力尽的 ephemeral 朝生暮死的 far-fetched 牵强附会的 inveterate 根深蒂固的 lackadaisical 没精打采的 ramshackle 东倒西歪的 versatile 多才多艺的 rare 半生半熟的 ajar 半开半掩 smatter 一知半解 mince 半吞半吐 bandy 打来打去 shuffle 推来推去

in all its splendor or glory 体体面面

out and out;as perfect as perfect can be 完完全全 certainly;to be sure的确

as sure as mud;as sure as eggs is eggs的的确确 chop and change;kaleidoscopic,protean,ever-changing;versatile:千变万化 bamboozle everybody:东骗西拐


go like a rocket and come down like a stick:虎头蛇尾

put a fifth wheel to the coach:画蛇添足 much(or great)cry and little wool:劳而无功 neither more nor less:不多不少 cut blocks with a razor:大才小用

make a mountain of a molehill;make a might fuss about nothing:小题大做

take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断

just as one would throw away an old hat 弃如敝屣 spidery writing蝇头小利

to be pinned (or tied) to a woman's apron-strings 拜倒石榴裙下


talk rot;talk nonsense;Hear him talk! 瞎三话四 in succession;continually;consecutively接连 in quick(or rapid) succession;in an unbroken line:接二连三

in the face of the world;in the presence of a large company:三封六面

be disunited;split;break up:分裂

be disrupted;be torn asunder:四分五裂 topsy-turvy;heels over head:七颠八倒 helter-skelter;hurry-scurry:七手八脚

higgledy-piggledy;pell-mell;in a muddle;a pretty kettle of fish乱七八糟

to keep one's head above water:奋力图存;混过去 to nail one's colors to the mast破釜沉舟 to put in one's oar管闲事;干涉 to be taken aback惊惶失措

to turn adrift 任其漂流;置之不理 to go with the stream随波逐流

to go through fire and water赴汤蹈火 to pour oil on the flame火上加油 to cast out Satan by Satan以暴制暴 ungrateful;heartless没心肝的 to have a thrill of horror;to be in a blue funk提心吊胆

to agree in our(their) innermost thought肝胆相照 to enter in a line;to queue up鱼贯而入 to be closely dovetailed 犬牙交错 to be frantic with joy欢悦若狂

to have a sanguine complexion满面春风 to set the room in a roar哄堂大笑

to provide against a rainy day未雨绸缪


to vanish like a bubble终成泡影 to hail the rising sun 趋炎附势

to kill two birds with one stone一举两得 to talk black into white颠倒黑白

to fake up an unsound horse鱼目混珠

Nothing comes wrong to the hungry.饥不择食 Necessity has no law.急不暇择

The more haste,the less speed.欲速不达 Call no man great before he is dead.盖棺论定 It is six of one and half a dozen of the other.半斤八两

stretch in all directions;be accessible from all directions四通八达

in all ages;at all times;since remote antiquity古往今来

appear and disappear all of a sudden;be preternaturally swift;be elusive神出鬼没 be inconstant(fickle) in policy:朝令夕改 be born today and die tomorrow;be short-lived朝生暮死

to play fast and loose;to chop and change朝秦暮楚 to hear the enemy's war-songs at each gate;to be surrounded by foes:四面楚歌

to hold a candle to the devil助纣为虐

Teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.班门弄斧

A woman marries again.琵琶别抱

to command a phenomenal sale.洛阳纸贵 The Land of the Rising Sun.扶桑三岛

Naught may endure but mutability.沧海桑田 to be afraid of one's own shadow杯弓蛇影 with a crushing force势如破竹

to have a forbidding countenance貌如钟馗 to come to the point at once;to speak in a downright way单刀直入

to strike a man when he is down打落水狗 to exert oneself to the utmost粉身碎骨

to be much talked of;to be on everybody's lips脍炙人口

to have no callers;to have few visitors;the door is deserted门可罗雀

Morality has lost its hold on the people道德扫地 abandon oneself to despair;give oneself up to despair自暴自弃

dream one's life away醉生梦死 stupendous blunder大错特错

Misfortunes never come singly祸不单行 a bolt from the blue青天霹雳

Avarice knows no bounds 得陇望蜀 pay Chinese compliments:阳奉阴违

much alike;almost identical;substantially the same大同小异

make invidious distinctions;treat people with discrimination:厚此薄彼

treat woman as inferior to men重男轻女 Man is superior to woman. 重男轻女 Man predominates over woman.男尊女卑 the sermons in stones木石垂教

great mercy and compassion大慈大悲

the most merciful Kwannon大慈大悲观世音 Namo Amitfabha南无阿弥陀佛 phenomenal advance突飞猛进

descendants;posterity;offspring子子孙孙 generation after generation世世代代 as snug as a bug in a rug舒舒服服 as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗 as thin as a thread-paper瘦骨如柴

make ducks and drakes with one's money挥金如土 neither fish nor flesh不伦不类;非驴非马 man of light and leading大家;权威 fair field and no favour一视同仁 an ass in sheep's skin;in borrowed plumes狐假虎威 The woman domineers over her husband.牝鸡司晨 That is no news.明日黄花

He went home loaded with honors.衣锦还乡 Neither fish,flesh nor fowl.不伦不类

play fast and loose;blow not and cold反覆无常 Throw away the apple because of the core.因噎废食

After a storm,comes a calm.否极泰来

Give a dog a bad name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞

Hard work can make up for lack of natural talent.勒能补拙

to throw a sprat to catch a herring抛砖引玉 Two of a trade can never agree.同行嫉妒 Birds of a feather flock together.物以颠聚 One's mantle falls on another.衣体相传 There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪 Cry up wine and sell vinegar.补羊头卖狗肉 Like father,like son.有其父必有其子

Nothing venture,nothing win.不入虎穴,焉得虎



to eat one's cake and have it又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草

flog a dead horse枉费心机 live on air喝西北风过日子

neck and neck并肩;并驾齐驱;颉颃 tack and tack(航海)继续调向;继续掉戟 Might makes right.强权造成公理

A straw show which way the wind blows.一叶之秋 mellifluous tongue三寸不烂之舌 Excuse me,but may l ask you what business you are engaged in?先生那里发财?

Once the wife of a parson,always the wife of a parson.嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗

One must reap what one has sown种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆

to be frightened out of one's wits吓得六种无主 Saul among the prophets有奇才者;意外之同情心者

to gather in crowds;to swarm;to throng云集 to overwhelm;to dominate;to sweep;to carry all风靡

to vanish like smoke烟消云散

to stand close together;t bristle林立 to stand in trio; to take a triangular position; to be in a three-cornered contest鼎立

to divide among;to cut up;to dismember:瓜分 to collapse;to break up;to fall asunder:瓦解 to smash;to break to pieces:粉碎 to nibble;to encroach upon:啄食

to drink like a fish:牛饮

to swarm;to throng;to rise against:蜂拥 to flee helter-skelter;to scamper off like a rat:鼠窜

to be cracked;to split;to fissure;to fracture:龟裂

to dance(leap) for joy:雀跃

to change suddenly;to change front;to turn one's coat:骤变

to escape;to have a narrow escape:逃脱 to give vent to one's anger:泄怒 to vent one's spleen(upon):发脾气

sexual desire;soft fancy;thoughts of love:春情

minister without portfolio:不管业务的部长 more and more:愈;有加无减


lively;sprightly;alive and kicking:活泼泼 with strained eyes;with one's eyes wide open:眼睁睁

with tears in one's eyes:泪汪汪

with one's face bathed in tears:泪纷纷

tipsy;under the influence of liquor:醉醺醺 as clear as day(as daylight):清清楚楚 as plain as ABC(as a pikestaff):明明白白 an infinitesimal quantity:九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket:九牛一毛

to persevere under difficulties:臣薪尝胆 to go through thick and thin:臣薪尝胆

Commit no nuisance.:禁止小便,君子自重 A miss is as good as a mile.:过无大小,其失一也。五十步笑百步。

When shepherds quarrel,the wolf has a winning game:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利

Two dogs strive for a bone,and a third runs away with it.:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利 分类语汇之打电话

wrong number:错误号码 public telephone:公用电话 long distance:长途电话 receiver:听筒 extension:分机

out-of-town call:郊外电话 telephone exchange:电话局 telephone book:电话簿 telephone booth:电话亭 mouthpiece:话筒 operator:电话接线生 emergency call:紧急电话 telephone company:电话公司 to hang up:挂断电话

to hold the line:稍候勿挂断 to hold on:稍候勿挂断 to ring up:打电话

to call for you:找你听电话

to dial the phone:拨动电话号码 to pick up a receiver:拿起听筒

at the appointed time:在约定的时间 to cancel the appointment:取消约会



appetite:胃口,食欲 black tea:红茶 beef tea:牛肉茶 coffee:咖啡

black coffee:不渗牛奶的纯咖啡 milk:牛奶

soda water:苏打水 chocolate:巧克力 syrup:糖浆 butter:牛油

table salt:餐桌上调味用的食盐 bread:面包

sandwich:三明治,夹肉面包 biscuit:饼干 snack:点心

pancake:熟煎饼;班戟 dessert:最后的甜食 wafer:煎饼

noodle:面;面条 spaghetti:意大利面 scrambled egg:炒蛋 teapot:茶壶 cup:茶杯 sauce:酱

whisky:威士忌 tea:茶

green tea:绿茶 lemon tea:檬柠茶

white coffee:牛奶咖啡 fruit juice:果子汁 cocoa:可可

ice-cream soda:冰淇淋苏打 jam:果子酱 sugar:砂糖

orange juice:橙汁 toast:烤面包 hot dog:热狗 pudding:布丁 refreshments:贴心 hot cake:热煎饼 muffin:薄饼 congee:粥


soft-boiled egg:半熟鸡蛋




a long tongue 长舌 a middle man 经纪人 one's good man 良人 a rotten egg 腐坏的蛋 wild beast 野兽 a warm heart 热心 vain glory 虚荣 a fat job 肥缺 turbid tide 浊流 angry waves 怒涛 a slip knot 活结 laughing-stock 笑柄 a great blow 大打击 to eat one's words 食言 to remove mountains 移山 to open fire开火 to fan the flame 煽动 to buy off 收买 to be at home 到家 to pick holes in 找漏洞 to go side by side 雁行 to doubt;

to be hesitant狐疑 to bridge over a gap 渡难关 to be pale before 逊色 to stink of money 有铜臭 to eat the leek 忍辱吞声 to out-Herod 穷凶恶极 to cudgel one's brains 绞脑汁 more dead than alive 精疲力尽 with might and main 尽全力 out of breath:上气不接下气 hale and heart 矍铄 hot and heavy 猛烈 change 变化

chop and change 变化无常 fret and fume 焦急;发怒 hum and ha(w) 支吾;吞吞吐吐make merry:作乐 hardships;toil 辛苦 toil and moil 劳碌 busy 忙碌

as busy as a bee:忙忙碌碌 blockhead 木头 a rain of bullets:弹雨 an outsider 门外汉

a gleam of hope 一线希望 the woman's reason 女人道理 castle in the air 空中楼阁 antique flavor 古色古香 saying and doing 言行 to wash one's hands 解手 It serves you right! 活该 by and by 不久

Walls have ears 隔墙有耳 God knows 天晓得 gammon;fudge 瞎话 hand and foot 手脚 mop and mow:装鬼脸 poke and pry 好管闲事 low;at the bottom 低下 face to face 封面 upside down 倒置 a quail;a soiled dove野鸡 a sodden sheep 落汤鸡 a black sheep 害群之马 the apple of one's eye掌上明珠 under the sod 黄泉之下 clean-handed 两袖清风 No money,no honey 无钱无甜 Up corn,down horn:榖贵肉贱 hanky-panky;hocus-pocus 把戏 hurdy-gurdy 绞弦琴 humpty-dumpty:矮胖子 kicky-wicky 河东狮 linsey-woolsey 棉毛(交织物) lovey-dovey 亲爱的 popsy-wopsy 小妹妹 kith and kin 亲友 humour 幽默 model 模特兄 modern 摩登 romantic 浪漫 honey-moon 蜜月 black list 黑名单 eternal triangle 三角恋爱 ivory tower 象牙塔 life line 生命线 virgin soil处女地 curve of beauty:曲线美 Bushido 武士道 bourgeois 中产阶级 proletariat 无产阶级


Bolshevik 过激派 Menshevik 稳健派 tit for tat:一报还一报 cash and carry 现购自运 wear and tear 消耗

mess of pottage 导致将来吃大亏的暂时享受 Benjamin's mess 大股;殊恩 a Job's comforter不善安慰者 sheep and goats 善人与恶人 the good Samaritan 乐善好施者 the prodigal son 浪荡子 an Adonis 美男子 Homeric laughter 大笑 Platonic love 精神恋爱 El Dorado 黄金国 a wise man of Gotham笨伯 pell-mell 乱七八糟 topsy-turvy 七颠八倒 tumultuous 乱糟(糟) hurly-burly 吵闹;吵吵闹闹

helter-skelter;hurry-scurry 仓皇;慌忙 be ruined;go to ruin:零落 go to rack and ruin:七零八落 stroke and strife:狼籍 slip-slop 龌龊;亢脏 fair and square 磊落 clear 清楚


cordial 亲密 near and dear 亲亲密密 splendid 体面 plain,obvious 明白 stable;steady 常稳 steady as rock 四平八稳 slow and steady:稳妥 slow and sure 稳健:沉着 a great many 许许多多 for ever 永远

for ever and ever:永永远远 with airs and graces 娇滴滴 look coy 羞答答 boiling hot 热腾腾 grievous 悲切切 an obscene picture 春宫 a love potion;a philter 春药 biting irony:冷嘲热讽 shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠 as mad as a hatter 大发雷霆

as dry as sawdust 味同嚼蜡

run against;dash against;collide with 横闯直撞 burn one's boat 有进无退

through and through;out and out 撤头撤尾 practice jobbery;graft 假公济私 rob Peter to pay Paul 挖东补西 hail the rising sun 趋炎附势 a hair-splitter 钻牛角尖 a sea of faces人山人海 rise above the herd 出类拔萃 catch at shadows捕风捉影 vanish into thin air 烟消去散 muddle胡思乱想 half in doubt 半信半疑 soldiers and soldiers:陆海军人 miles and miles:不可以道里计 so-and-so 某某;某事 such and such 如此如此 hot and hot 滚熟

out-and-out:完完全全;绝对的 many and many a time屡次 thus and thus 如此如此 effete 精疲力尽的 ephemeral 朝生暮死的 far-fetched 牵强附会的 inveterate 根深蒂固的 lackadaisical 没精打采的 ramshackle 东倒西歪的 versatile 多才多艺的 rare 半生半熟的 ajar 半开半掩 smatter 一知半解 mince 半吞半吐 bandy 打来打去 shuffle 推来推去

in all its splendor or glory 体体面面

out and out;as perfect as perfect can be 完完全全 certainly;to be sure的确

as sure as mud;as sure as eggs is eggs的的确确 chop and change;kaleidoscopic,protean,ever-changing;versatile:千变万化 bamboozle everybody:东骗西拐

go like a rocket and come down like a stick:虎头蛇尾put a fifth wheel to the coach:画蛇添足 much(or great)cry and little wool:劳而无功 neither more nor less:不多不少 cut blocks with a razor:大才小用


make a mountain of a molehill;make a might fuss about nothing:小题大做

take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断

just as one would throw away an old hat 弃如敝屣 spidery writing蝇头小利

to be pinned (or tied) to a woman's apron-strings 拜倒石榴裙下


talk rot;talk nonsense;Hear him talk! 瞎三话四 in succession;continually;consecutively接连 in quick(or rapid) succession;in an unbroken line:接二连三

in the face of the world;in the presence of a large company:三封六面

be disunited;split;break up:分裂 be disrupted;be torn asunder:四分五裂 topsy-turvy;heels over head:七颠八倒 helter-skelter;hurry-scurry:七手八脚

higgledy-piggledy;pell-mell;in a muddle;a pretty kettle of fish乱七八糟

to keep one's head above water:奋力图存;混过去 to nail one's colors to the mast破釜沉舟 to put in one's oar管闲事;干涉 to be taken aback惊惶失措 to turn adrift 任其漂流;置之不理 to go with the stream随波逐流 to go through fire and water赴汤蹈火 to pour oil on the flame火上加油 to cast out Satan by Satan以暴制暴 ungrateful;heartless没心肝的

to have a thrill of horror;to be in a blue funk提心吊胆 to agree in our(their) innermost thought肝胆相照 to enter in a line;to queue up鱼贯而入 to be closely dovetailed 犬牙交错 to be frantic with joy欢悦若狂 to have a sanguine complexion满面春风 to set the room in a roar哄堂大笑 to provide against a rainy day未雨绸缪 to vanish like a bubble终成泡影 to hail the rising sun 趋炎附势

to kill two birds with one stone一举两得 to talk black into white颠倒黑白 to fake up an unsound horse鱼目混珠 Nothing comes wrong to the hungry.饥不择食 Necessity has no law.急不暇择

The more haste,the less speed.欲速不达


Call no man great before he is dead.盖棺论定 It is six of one and half a dozen of the other.半斤八两 stretch in all directions;be accessible from all directions四通八达

in all ages;at all times;since remote antiquity古往今来

appear and disappear all of a sudden;be preternaturally swift;be elusive神出鬼没

be inconstant(fickle) in policy:朝令夕改

be born today and die tomorrow;be short-lived朝生暮死

to play fast and loose;to chop and change朝秦暮楚 to hear the enemy's war-songs at each gate;to be surrounded by foes:四面楚歌 to hold a candle to the devil助纣为虐

Teach your grandmother how to suck eggs.班门弄斧 A woman marries again.琵琶别抱 to command a phenomenal sale.洛阳纸贵 The Land of the Rising Sun.扶桑三岛 Naught may endure but mutability.沧海桑田 to be afraid of one's own shadow杯弓蛇影 with a crushing force势如破竹

to have a forbidding countenance貌如钟馗

to come to the point at once;to speak in a downright way单刀直入

to strike a man when he is down打落水狗 to exert oneself to the utmost粉身碎骨

to be much talked of;to be on everybody's lips脍炙人口

to have no callers;to have few visitors;the door is deserted门可罗雀

Morality has lost its hold on the people道德扫地 abandon oneself to despair;give oneself up to despair自暴自弃

dream one's life away醉生梦死 stupendous blunder大错特错

Misfortunes never come singly祸不单行 a bolt from the blue青天霹雳 Avarice knows no bounds 得陇望蜀 pay Chinese compliments:阳奉阴违

much alike;almost identical;substantially the same大同小异

make invidious distinctions;treat people with discrimination:厚此薄彼

treat woman as inferior to men重男轻女 Man is superior to woman. 重男轻女 Man predominates over woman.男尊女卑

the sermons in stones木石垂教 great mercy and compassion大慈大悲 the most merciful Kwannon大慈大悲观世音 Namo Amitfabha南无阿弥陀佛 phenomenal advance突飞猛进

descendants;posterity;offspring子子孙孙 generation after generation世世代代 as snug as a bug in a rug舒舒服服 as poor as a church mouse一贫如洗 as thin as a thread-paper瘦骨如柴

make ducks and drakes with one's money挥金如土 neither fish nor flesh不伦不类;非驴非马 man of light and leading大家;权威 fair field and no favour一视同仁

an ass in sheep's skin;in borrowed plumes狐假虎威 The woman domineers over her husband.牝鸡司晨 That is no news.明日黄花

He went home loaded with honors.衣锦还乡 Neither fish,flesh nor fowl.不伦不类 play fast and loose;blow not and cold反覆无常 Throw away the apple because of the core.因噎废食 After a storm,comes a calm.否极泰来

Give a dog a bad name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞

Hard work can make up for lack of natural talent.勒能补拙

to throw a sprat to catch a herring抛砖引玉 Two of a trade can never agree.同行嫉妒 Birds of a feather flock together.物以颠聚 One's mantle falls on another.衣体相传 There is no smoke without fire.无风不起浪 Cry up wine and sell vinegar.补羊头卖狗肉 Like father,like son.有其父必有其子

Nothing venture,nothing win.不入虎穴,焉得虎子? to eat one's cake and have it又要马儿好,又要马儿不吃草

flog a dead horse枉费心机 live on air喝西北风过日子

neck and neck并肩;并驾齐驱;颉颃 tack and tack(航海)继续调向;继续掉戟 Might makes right.强权造成公理

A straw show which way the wind blows.一叶之秋 mellifluous tongue三寸不烂之舌

Excuse me,but may l ask you what business you are engaged in?先生那里发财?

Once the wife of a parson,always the wife of a parson.嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗


One must reap what one has sown种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 to be frightened out of one's wits吓得六种无主 Saul among the prophets有奇才者;意外之同情心者 to gather in crowds;to swarm;to throng云集 to overwhelm;to dominate;to sweep;to carry all风靡

to vanish like smoke烟消云散 to stand close together;t bristle林立

to stand in trio; to take a triangular position; to be in a three-cornered contest鼎立

to divide among;to cut up;to dismember:瓜分 to collapse;to break up;to fall asunder:瓦解 to smash;to break to pieces:粉碎 to nibble;to encroach upon:啄食 to drink like a fish:牛饮

to swarm;to throng;to rise against:蜂拥 to flee helter-skelter;to scamper off like a rat:鼠窜 to be cracked;to split;to fissure;to fracture:龟裂 to dance(leap) for joy:雀跃

to change suddenly;to change front;to turn one's coat:骤变

to escape;to have a narrow escape:逃脱 to give vent to one's anger:泄怒 to vent one's spleen(upon):发脾气

sexual desire;soft fancy;thoughts of love:春情 minister without portfolio:不管业务的部长 more and more:愈;有加无减 helter-skelter;hurry-scurry:慌张张 lively;sprightly;alive and kicking:活泼泼 with strained eyes;with one's eyes wide open:眼睁睁 with tears in one's eyes:泪汪汪 with one's face bathed in tears:泪纷纷 tipsy;under the influence of liquor:醉醺醺 as clear as day(as daylight):清清楚楚 as plain as ABC(as a pikestaff):明明白白 an infinitesimal quantity:九牛一毛 a drop in the bucket:九牛一毛 to persevere under difficulties:臣薪尝胆 to go through thick and thin:臣薪尝胆 Commit no nuisance.:禁止小便,君子自重 A miss is as good as a mile.:过无大小,其失一也。五十步笑百步。

When shepherds quarrel,the wolf has a winning game:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利

Two dogs strive for a bone,and a third runs away with it.:鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利


wrong number:错误号码 public telephone:公用电话 long distance:长途电话 receiver:听筒 extension:分机

out-of-town call:郊外电话 telephone exchange:电话局 telephone book:电话簿 telephone booth:电话亭 mouthpiece:话筒 operator:电话接线生 emergency call:紧急电话 telephone company:电话公司 to hang up:挂断电话 to hold the line:稍候勿挂断 to hold on:稍候勿挂断 to ring up:打电话 to call for you:找你听电话 to dial the phone:拨动电话号码 to pick up a receiver:拿起听筒 at the appointed time:在约定的时间to cancel the appointment:取消约会 分类语汇之饮食

appetite:胃口,食欲 black tea:红茶 beef tea:牛肉茶 coffee:咖啡

black coffee:不渗牛奶的纯咖啡 milk:牛奶 soda water:苏打水 chocolate:巧克力 syrup:糖浆 butter:牛油

table salt:餐桌上调味用的食盐 bread:面包

sandwich:三明治,夹肉面包 biscuit:饼干 snack:点心

pancake:熟煎饼;班戟 dessert:最后的甜食 wafer:煎饼 noodle:面;面条

spaghetti:意大利面 scrambled egg:炒蛋 teapot:茶壶 cup:茶杯 sauce:酱 whisky:威士忌 tea:茶 green tea:绿茶 lemon tea:檬柠茶 white coffee:牛奶咖啡 fruit juice:果子汁 cocoa:可可

ice-cream soda:冰淇淋苏打 jam:果子酱 sugar:砂糖 orange juice:橙汁 toast:烤面包 hot dog:热狗 pudding:布丁 refreshments:贴心 hot cake:热煎饼 muffin:薄饼 congee:粥 macaroni:通心粉 soft-boiled egg:半熟鸡蛋 poached egg:煮荷包蛋 milk jug:牛奶盅 saucer:茶碟 soy:中国酱油 champagne:香槟酒 to be under the table:喝醉 a little tight:有一点点醉 to feel tipsy:觉得微醉 to swallow greedily:狼吞虎咽 cocktail:鸡尾酒 yellow wine:黄酒 distilled water:蒸馏水 dinner:正列 com cuts :冷盘

today special:本日特别菜soup:汤ox-tail soup:牛尾汤 fish:鱼

fried pork chop:炸猪排 baked tomatoes:烘番茄 gravy:肉汁 mustard:芥末 vinegar:醋






People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days.

The side effects of global warming are alarminS. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes. People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.

To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Environmental Protection. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below.

1. 全球变暖对地球环境造成了很大影响

2. 引起全球变暖的原因

3. 我们需要采取的措施

Environmental Protection

No one,regardless of race, religion or nationality, can deny that the world we live in is becoming increasingly intolerable because of the effects of global warming. According to many experts, even greater impacts are still on the way.

There are numerous causes for this problem. On one hand, human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, and will in the future cause, significant global warming according to the theory. On the other hand, the lack of knowledge about the importance of protecting environment hinders the solving of the problem.

It is urgent that immediate and effective actions should be taken right away. First, more trees need to be planted to help improve and beautify the environment. Besides, stricter laws concerning global warming and irresponsible use of fuel resources have to be put into effect and achieved good results. In a word, there is a long way to go before we can take a comfortable world for granted again .













1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有内容要点,可适当发挥,措施中3、4点由考生自由发挥;

2. 词数:100左右。

With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air. CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. It has harmful effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike. So we must take effective measures to save our planet. First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil. Second, we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible. Third, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen. More importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning, I am Li Hua from Tianjin, China . It’s my great honor to be here to talk about the global warming problem and ways of dealing with it.

Lately , global warming is becoming a serious problem. Several factors contribute to it. First of all, a lot of greenhouse gas is produced by cars and factories;

furthermore, the loss of forests is another cause of global warming.

Global warming will cause some harmful effects. Firstly, some islands will disappear because of the rise of sea level. Secondly, extreme weather results from global warming. When temperature rises, the production of crops will decrease. Besides, some animals and plants will disappear, thus destroying the ecosystem.

So we should protect the earth from greenhouse gases. We should plant trees and reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Hope our earth can become better and better.

That’s all. Thank you.


To Control the Global Warming

During the late 20 century, global warming became more and more bothering to human beings.

Nowadays, it is commonly acknowledged that to maintain permanent peace and development, environmental problems must be solved with highest priority. In my opinion, to control global warming, government should carry out sensible policies and common people also should take their resibonsibilities.

I can remember big snow came every year when I was a child, and the weather was so cold that I couldn‘t go outdoors without my scarf and hat. But these years, big snows are hard to see, and even in December, you needn’t wear too much because it’s not cold at all. The climate is changing. In the past decades, global warming arouse many countries attention and they do took some measures to ease this problem. However, though the Kyoto Protocol was signed, some countries are not willing to hold their pace of economic development. To drive the global warming under control, we still have a long way to go.

Governments are the main force in the combat against global warming. On the issues concerning global warming, the variety of attitudes toward global warming is a greatest obstacle for us to win this combat. So, at first, all the countries must reach an agreement on striking a balance between developing economy and solving this environmental problem. Then, some effective policies should be adopted to reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases.

Common people's involvements are the key to ease the global warming. One persons ablity is slight, but if every one can make a little effort, the achivement will be incredible. What can we do for it? I think first, we can learn something about global warming, to be aware of it and to know our resiponsiblities to this planet. In addition, we can should not to make greenhouse gases, specificlly, to take bus or ride bicycle instead of driving private car.

If we human beings can make joint effort to take care of this planet. I think global warming will certainly be solved in the near future.



Background: 全球变暖

Cause: 温室气体排放,其中大约70%为二氧化碳.

consequence : 海平面上升 自然灾害频繁

measures: 1节约家用电器 2少用机动车辆 3.植树造林


Global warming has become one of the biggest environmental concerns for people all over the world.

With the development of economy, the emission of the greenhouse gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been steadily increased, contributing greatly to the global warming. The increase in the temperature of the earth has caused many harmful effects. It melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. It disturbs weather patterns, causing frequent natural disasters such as floods, droughts, severe storms, hurricanes (飓风), and so on.

Actually, it’s easy for everyone to do something to save energy and reduce the emission of

greenhouse gas. For example, turn off an electrical appliance if it is not used. Walking, cycling, carpooling or using public transportation instead of using motor vehicles are all good ways to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide.

We are also supposed to plant trees and preserve forests. Every individual counts and individuals together makes a big difference.



1. 据报道,在过去的十年间,北极圈内的平均气温比以前升高了2—3摄氏度。

2. 2009年12月的哥本哈根世界气候峰会要求各国减少温室气体排放,拯救地球。

3. 2010年新年刚开始,极度寒冷的天气袭击了亚洲、欧洲和北美洲。恶劣的天气正是全球变暖的后果。


Dear fellow students,

It is reported that the average temperature within the Arctic Circle has risen by 2—3 degrees Celsius in the past ten years. At the Copenhagen Climate Summit 2009 all nations were required to reduce the greenhouse gas emission to save the earth. At the beginning of 2010, extremely cold weather hit Asia, Europe, and North America, which is the evidence of global warming.

As is known to all, our environment has been worsening due to human activities. If we don’t take effective measures now, human beings will not be able to survive in the future. If we can save energy, recycle waste and plant more trees, we can make the earth a better place. So let’s take action from now on! let’s save the earth.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning. I’m Li Hua from Fujian, China. It’s my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it.

As we know, the global water shortage is becoming increasingly sever mainly due to global warming, environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population. Therefore, it’s high time we did something about it.

Firstly, an effective way, I think, is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use. Secondly, new methods need to be developed to use the existing waster resources, for example, turning sea water into fresh water. Thirdly, we must stoop water pollution by law. Last but not least, it’s everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water, such as recycling and saving water in our daily life.

In conclusion, people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage, protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically.


global warming and our life

Global warming has quickly become one of the most heated issues. With the development of the economy, the emission of the green house gas, consisting of about 70% carbon dioxide, has been increased, attributing greatly to the global warming.

Global warming is the slow and steady increase in the temperature of earth and its atmosphere. The increase in the temperature of earth has caused many effects like the melting of ice in Polar Regions, increase in disease occurrences, drastic climatic changes and rise of the sea level.

As the effects of global warming is becoming more and more evident, many of us have started to realize that steps have to be taken to control Global warming, such as the usage of clean energy resources and the alternative of motor.


One possible version:

Dear editor,

The curtain went down on the Copenhagen climate summit, leaving the world concerned more about global warming once again.

As is well known, it is human activity that has contributed to this problem. The burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil produces greenhouse gases. When huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide are put into the atmosphere, more heat energy tends to be trapped in it causing the global temperature to go up.

However, the attitudes of scientists towards this rise are completely different. On the one hand, it’s predicted that there may be a rise of several metres in the sea level, extreme climate change or the disappearance of species. On the other hand, it’s supposed that the rise will make plants grow quicker and produce more, thus encouraging a greater range of animals.

It seems that the topic is controversial and there is a long way to go.
