用VHDL或Verilog语言编以下程序:1.Construct a systematic (7,3) linear block code.You can use c lauguage or HDL (VHDL or Verilog-HDL) to describe it.Please write the detail of how to realize it in computer lauguage.And list the program lines.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:09:48
用VHDL或Verilog语言编以下程序:1.Construct a systematic (7,3) linear block code.You can use c lauguage or HDL (VHDL or Verilog-HDL) to describe it.Please write the detail of how to realize it in computer lauguage.And list the program lines.
xS?o1*oLIz%H 5P!(B%9:F,A?MUH7ΥTl߿2(7{w|?<>@+>㳯>WG߾q6MFF;o+ǂyɡu%52 ce0yf*LC8(V cXåݥx:nABFs+=ϑ= r3B1HMEYylm4cwiZ]2۽ zS"-AP2G^sEm_F<*)f Dks#m/ڋ^{qu+Mz1UN"ErF*" yy )tN&'1&/&)oj̨K '24!ncpD,] i@T#\P5>'L6~nt{|ပ%BCmj%(4" 5dWq.99rB=u~3ib*)]Nh㙛]%iE&dan4)7Fh41L n-QX\0L':n

用VHDL或Verilog语言编以下程序:1.Construct a systematic (7,3) linear block code.You can use c lauguage or HDL (VHDL or Verilog-HDL) to describe it.Please write the detail of how to realize it in computer lauguage.And list the program lines.
1.Construct a systematic (7,3) linear block code.You can use c lauguage or HDL (VHDL or Verilog-HDL) to describe it.Please write the detail of how to realize it in computer lauguage.And list the program lines.
2.We have already learned how to code and decode cyclic codes.Please use the generator polynominal g(x)=1+x+x2+x4 to construct a (7,3) code.And if the received code vector is[1 1 0 0 1 1 1],how to decode it?Use c or HDL lauguage to realize the code and decode system.
3.Construct the convolutional code defined by
g0(x)=1+x; g1(x)=1+x*x;
For a 13-bit source message with an additional two “0” bits appended to the end.Please list the program lines and give the final trasmit sequence.

用VHDL或Verilog语言编以下程序:1.Construct a systematic (7,3) linear block code.You can use c lauguage or HDL (VHDL or Verilog-HDL) to describe it.Please write the detail of how to realize it in computer lauguage.And list the program lines.
This is a check of CRC, I can give your help to finish this task if you can pay some meney for my work.please connect me by gangle2008@gmail.com.

用VHDL或Verilog语言编以下程序:1.Construct a systematic (7,3) linear block code.You can use c lauguage or HDL (VHDL or Verilog-HDL) to describe it.Please write the detail of how to realize it in computer lauguage.And list the program lines. vhdl伪随机数求用vhdL语言编写一段产生1-7随机数字的程序 求fpga 并转串的程序,要求用verilog语言编写! verilog HDL 与VHDL有什么差别? 怎么用c语言编一个程序解二元一次方程 急:vhdl语言编的移位寄存器编译出现错误程序如下:library IEEE;use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;use work.cpu_lib.all;entity shift isport ( a :in bit16; sel :in t_shift ; y :out bit16);end shift;architecture 请问如下程序是Verilog 还是VHDL语言写的.PARAMETERS(WIDTH = 4,DEPTH = 0);SUBDESIGN altshift(data[(WIDTH - 1)..0] :INPUT;clock :INPUT = GND;aclr :INPUT = GND;clken :INPUT = VCC;result[(WIDTH - 1) ..0] :OUTPUT;)VARIABLEIF DEPTH > 0 GENERATEp VHDL 语言 q 用vhdl语言编写一个程序,要求测量方波频率,显示在4个数码管上.只要求写出测量方波频率的那一个模块的程 verilog 语言中 c EDA程序问题请用VHDL语言编写一条程序:全加器十进制程序.就是在十那里产生进位,然后低位清零.我是新手,还请各位大师指教. verilog中生成语句如何理解?比如以下程序:用一个单循环生成按位异或的异或门(xor)module bitwise_xor(out,i0,i1);parameter N=32;output[N-1:0] out;input[N-1:0] i0,i1;genvar j;generatefor (j=0;j verilog 程序,尤其是这个4); 简述VHDL语言基本结构 用C语言编一程序 -1+2-3+4-5+6-7+8-9+10 用C语言编程序:产生1到5间的10个随机数 用C语言编一个程序,使给出一个数的原码,求得反码,补码. 谁帮我用C语言编一个程序求任意圆的面积?