英语翻译Remark:From attractiodrepulsion function g(.) in Eq.(2)one can see that one term in g(.) always gives attractionand the other repulsion and the resultant force is their sum.This leads to similar terms in the derivative of the Lyapunovfunc

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 00:54:28
英语翻译Remark:From attractiodrepulsion function g(.) in Eq.(2)one can see that one term in g(.) always gives attractionand the other repulsion and the resultant force is their sum.This leads to similar terms in the derivative of the Lyapunovfunc
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英语翻译Remark:From attractiodrepulsion function g(.) in Eq.(2)one can see that one term in g(.) always gives attractionand the other repulsion and the resultant force is their sum.This leads to similar terms in the derivative of the Lyapunovfunc
Remark:From attractiodrepulsion function g(.) in Eq.(2)
one can see that one term in g(.) always gives attraction
and the other repulsion and the resultant force is their sum.
This leads to similar terms in the derivative of the Lyapunov
function in Eq.(4).If an individual is away from all the
other individuals,the second term in the Lyapunov function
is negligibly small compared to the first term and it moves
toward the center.If it is close to the other individuals (i.e.,
in their repulsion range),then the second term becomes significant.
Note that Lemma 2 does not imply that xi will converge
to -x for all i.Intuitively,once a member gets to the vicinity
of another member,then the repulsive force will be in
effect and the conditions of Lemma 2 will not be satisfied
anymore.However,it is important because it gives us an
idea of the tendency of the individuals to move toward the
center of the swarm.Therefore,it is normal to expect that
the members will (potentially) aggregate and form a cluster
around -x.To prove this we need to analyze the motion of
the members which are not necessarily free agents and that
is done in the next result.
Theorem 1 Consider the swarm described by the model in
Eq.( I ) with an attractiodrepulsion function g( .) as given
in Eq.(2).As time progresses all the members of the swarm
will converge to a hyperball
where E = -b&excp (-;).
Moreovel; the convergence will occur infinite time bounded
Proof:Choose any swarm member i.Let Vi = ieiTei be
the corresponding Lyapunov function.From the proof of
Lemma 2 we know that

英语翻译Remark:From attractiodrepulsion function g(.) in Eq.(2)one can see that one term in g(.) always gives attractionand the other repulsion and the resultant force is their sum.This leads to similar terms in the derivative of the Lyapunovfunc
备注:从attractiodrepulsion函数g ( .)在情商.( 2 )
人们可以看到,一学期在克( )总是给人的吸引力
功能的均衡器.( 4 ) .如果个人是远离所有
在他们的斥力范围) ,那么第二个任期成为显着.
请注意,引理2 ,并不意味着席将衔接
靠近- X的.为了证明这一点,我们需要分析的议案
情商.(一)与一attractiodrepulsion函数g ( .)为给
在情商.( 2 ) .随着时间的进展,所有成员组成的群
其中e =乙& excp (-;).
moreovel ;收敛将出现无限的时间范围内
证明:选择任何一窝蜂会员一让六= ieitei被
( 6 )