
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:01:24
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God sent Noah and its arks to save the animals in jungle. But isn't that a bit too small.. you have to throw off some of the animals! So, the monkey suggested: "Let's have a joke competition, after the joke, if there's one animal that doesn't laugh, throw him off." everyone said alright. the rabbit started off, the joke it tells was so funny, that all animals were laughing off, but only pig doesn't laugh. There's no helping it, everyone have to throw the rabbit off. Then comes the fox. The joke it tells doesn't have any meaning, everyone did not laugh, but the pig was laughing and rolling around! Everyone asked : "is the joke the fox tell so funny?" Pig said :"ahahah ahaha.. the joke the rabbit said just now was sooo funny!"

God sent Noah and his ark to save the animals in the forest. But too crowded... Must throw some animals! Then the monkey said:" we tell a joke ~ who finished as long as there is an animal not laugh, j...


God sent Noah and his ark to save the animals in the forest. But too crowded... Must throw some animals! Then the monkey said:" we tell a joke ~ who finished as long as there is an animal not laugh, just drop it ~ ~ ~" animals rabbits to tell a joke. Rabbit joke funny, the animals are happy laugh, but only the pig did not laugh. No way, we have to put the rabbit to throw down ~ ~ fox second, but it speaks of the joke, everyone laughed, but the pig is rolling laughing! The animals asked" Fox jokes funny??" The pig said," ah ha, ah ha ha ~ ~ the rabbit just joke funny!"


God sends Noah and his ark to save the animals in the forest. But it's too crowded... Must have to throw some animals down! So the monkey proposal said: "we tell jokes ~ who finished as long as there ...


God sends Noah and his ark to save the animals in the forest. But it's too crowded... Must have to throw some animals down! So the monkey proposal said: "we tell jokes ~ who finished as long as there is a after animals don't smile, throw it down ~ ~" the animals say first ~ rabbit told a joke. The rabbit jokes too funny!, the animals of laughter, but only pigs don't smile. No way, everyone has to throw down a rabbit to ~ ~ fox second speak, but it is really too boring jokes, everyone didn't laugh, but the pig but rolled under laugh! The animals asked "fox joke funny?????" The pig said "aaah, aaah, aaah, aaah ~ ~ rabbit just jokes too funny!"


God has got Noah with his ark to rescue the animals in the forest.

英语翻译上帝派诺亚和他的方舟去拯救森林里的动物们.可是太挤了...必须要扔一些动物下去!于是猴子提议说:“我们讲笑话吧~谁讲完后只要有一个动物不笑,就把它扔下去~”动物们都说好~ 拯救在森林里的动物,怎么翻译 英语翻译:(初一的)这个农民和他的儿子正走在森林里 这题怎么去想去做?用排比的形式,为下面这段话写一个结论句,不超过30字.(3分)当诺亚在方舟中熬过绝望的四十九天后,鸽子带回了希望,那是一抹绿色,一枝鲜翠的橄榄枝.他明白:洪水退了, 你怎样评价这位森林里的上帝 上帝与撒旦那个更可爱撒旦一次一次要毁灭世界都失败了,可爱的上帝就成功了,怎么没人去拯救世界啊!信上帝的人们去拯救世界啊亚当和夏娃,当年不吃那个禁果,0,MY GOD,人类就绝种了,看看谁 英语翻译其实,我是上帝派来守护你的 上帝是如何拯救人类的? “拯救”和“挽救”这两个词有什么区别?例如:是上帝( )了你的生命。这句话的括号里应该填什么? 英语翻译穷人和上帝的故事从前有个人叫史密斯,他非常信仰上帝.后来发大水了,别人都跑到高位置去了,他却说:我信仰上帝,上帝会救我的,随即他爬上了屋顶.不一会儿大水漫过了屋脊,水马 如果上帝要发大洪水,每种动物只允许上一对,人类已经有了诺亚和他妻子,你想活命,该怎么办? 有一天一个猎人去打猎拿着枪去森林里忽然看见前面有一头野猪他打中了它的头和心脏 英语翻译Noah had his Ark,didn't it?翻译是诺亚拥有一只方舟,难道我没有?但是我还是不理解翻译了是什么意思,有点难懂 ★上帝只拯救那些善于自救的人★ 英语翻译上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它们的巢里.不管你想要去哪里,不管你想要做什么,真正做决定的还是你自己. (森林里有很多动物)的英语翻译 英语翻译就是《重庆森林》里的插曲 英语翻译母象桑达生了一只活泼可爱的小象甘桂,生活在阿育陀耶王国的森林里。可是,他从来没见到爸爸。甘桂偷跑出森林,决定去寻找生父。可是他闯进敌人大军的营地,在一个帐篷里