
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 18:06:46
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[内容摘要]:The principle of the changed circumstances has been deemed to "contract strictly abide by" the relative breakthrough,in Germany performance for "of legal activity ground system," the French performance for "not foresee theory," countries of Anglo-American law system through "contract failed to regulation theory".As an important principle,its in 2009,our country "contract law of the People's Republic of China" article 26 explain two specified,but the application of should be clear about their applicable legal requirement,analyzing her with surrounding legal system of relation,which eventually determine its applicable legal effect.
关键字The principle of the changed circumstances,the changed circumstances,force majeure,the applicable condition,the applicable effectiveness

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The principle of the changed circumstances has been deemed to "contract strictly abide by" the relative breakthrough, in Germany performance for "of legal activity ground system," the French performan...


The principle of the changed circumstances has been deemed to "contract strictly abide by" the relative breakthrough, in Germany performance for "of legal activity ground system," the French performance for "not foresee theory," countries of Anglo-American law system through "contract failed to regulation theory". As an important principle, its in 2009, our country "contract law of the People's Republic of China" article 26 explain two specified, but the application of should be clear about their applicable legal requirement, analyzing her with surrounding legal system of relation, which eventually determine its applicable legal effect.
Key words: the principle of the changed circumstances, the changed circumstances, force majeure, the applicable condition, the applicable effectiveness


英语翻译[内容摘要]:情事变更原则是一直被视为对“契约严守”的相对突破,在德国表现为“法律行为基础制度”,法国表现为“不预见理论”,英美法系国家通过“合同落空理论”加以规制.作 不管怎样,我会一直坚持下去永不变更英语翻译 民法简答题:情势变更原则 英语翻译不要对话!只要内容摘要! 英语翻译请翻译如下一段话:内容摘要:鲁迅是20世纪我国伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家,毛泽东对鲁迅评价时说:“鲁迅是中国文化的主将”.他弃医从文,以现实主义的手法,一直在探索“ 设计变更格式是? 知悉以下行程变更 英语翻译 英语翻译“实质重于形式原则”是会计的原则之一 英语翻译:这是一种审美原则 钢铁是怎样炼成的内容摘要 英语翻译本文从三个方面对劳动合同和集体合同进行论述:第一部简单分析劳动合同和集体合同的含义和特点;第二部分从合同的订立目的,订立原则,订立形式,订立主体,履行、变更、解除和 变更股东的程序是怎样的? 英语翻译关于付给供货公司的款出现错误的事是由于供货公司变更了银行账号,所以给你带来了很多的不便请谅解,麻烦以后按照下面变更后的新账号付款 英语翻译关于付给供货公司的款出现错误的事是由于供货公司变更了银行账号,所以给你带来了很多的不便请谅解,麻烦以后按照下面变更后的新账号付款 [判断题] 可靠性原则是指会计主体应当按照交易的经济实质进行确认、计量和变更不应该仅以交易法律形A、正确B、错误 同一企业不同时期发生的相同或相似的交易或事项,应采用一致和会计政策,不得变更,是可比性原则的含义之一,是否正确 民族性原则怎么英语翻译 英语翻译XX-3660 MIS更新到了QC,测试ok.该需求是变更closed date的记录方式,原来是系统正常作业时close case的日期会记录到report里面,变更后是包含了使用admin权限变更了close状态的close date需求名称