英语翻译小议蒙古族传统文化在特色餐饮空间设计中的应用摘 要:餐饮空间作为一种特定的环境空间,它除了要满足人的物质需求,还要满足人的精神文化的需求.运用文化元素来设计餐饮空间

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 09:44:37
英语翻译小议蒙古族传统文化在特色餐饮空间设计中的应用摘 要:餐饮空间作为一种特定的环境空间,它除了要满足人的物质需求,还要满足人的精神文化的需求.运用文化元素来设计餐饮空间
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英语翻译小议蒙古族传统文化在特色餐饮空间设计中的应用摘 要:餐饮空间作为一种特定的环境空间,它除了要满足人的物质需求,还要满足人的精神文化的需求.运用文化元素来设计餐饮空间
摘 要:
摘 要:

英语翻译小议蒙古族传统文化在特色餐饮空间设计中的应用摘 要:餐饮空间作为一种特定的环境空间,它除了要满足人的物质需求,还要满足人的精神文化的需求.运用文化元素来设计餐饮空间
Talk on the traditional Mongolian culture in the characteristics of dining space design of
Dining space as a specific environmental space,which in addition to meet people's material needs,but also to meet people's spiritual and cultural needs.The use of cultural elements to design the dining space is a dining room features an important means for the design is even more important design characteristics of the phenomenon of dining space.As the origins of Chinese culture,one of the Mongolian traditional culture is also provided us with a source of endless design and materials,so that interior design has a wider range of development and creativity.
This preliminary analysis of the basic characteristics of the Mongolian traditional culture,customs and aesthetic feelings,and interior design theory,combined with the Mongolian traditional culture,through the Mongolian dining space features design elements of the analysis,drawn from the traditional Mongolian Culture is the dining space design features of effective support and an important component.Mongolian characteristics through the use of restaurant space for the design of the study of Mongolian traditional culture,ultimately catering space characteristics of traditional Mongolian culture has been fully reflected in the design of cultural elements to prove the importance of effective communication will be the Mongolian traditional culture,and carried forward.
On the urban theme park in the human landscape design
City theme park in China's urban life,playing an increasingly important role.Of modern theme parks as an important type of tourism products and future global tourism trends.In this paper,the principles of human nature into human nature,the essence of design analysis,proposed the evaluation of user-friendly landscape design standards are safety,accessibility,subjectivity.Sort of urban theme park and a detailed description of the characteristics of urban theme park.This paper analyzes the behavior of different groups,put forward the humanized landscape design should have public accessibility,public participation,thematic and ecological nature.It should also meet with particular emphasis on children,the elderly and the disabled,psychological and health needs.As well as user-friendly design in China's urban park use and development.People-centered human landscape design theme park in the city the highest stage of development,is that people put forward higher requirements on the designer to create a comfortable and pleasant green urban space,but also the inevitable trend of social development.

英语翻译小议蒙古族传统文化在特色餐饮空间设计中的应用摘 要:餐饮空间作为一种特定的环境空间,它除了要满足人的物质需求,还要满足人的精神文化的需求.运用文化元素来设计餐饮空间 砂家煲煲式特色餐饮怎么样 特色餐饮用英语怎么说 在餐饮空间设计中需要遵循哪些原则 湘菜加盟,湘菜连锁,特色湘菜,餐饮连锁,餐饮加盟,品牌餐饮加盟 英语翻译内 容 提 要赤峰市蒙古族幼儿园创办于1984年,隶属于赤峰市教育局.蒙幼是一所突显“双语、三语”教育并重,具有浓厚蒙古族传统文化氛围,具有现代教育教学理念的综合性、多元性 带有传统文化内涵的节日特色广告词 北京四合院展现了哪些传统文化特色 蒙古族生活在哪 皇帝嘴餐饮都有哪些特色饮食? 做餐饮,要怎么做才能做出特色呢? 做餐饮,要怎么做才能做出特色呢? 特色餐饮 特色餐饮店现在有什么比较好的特色餐饮店?哪里的餐饮比较有特色,比较好做? 英语翻译该公司的背景实际为台湾3A 餐饮股份有限公司,由于3A 餐饮在香港运营多年,且是以香港公司的名义成立,因此在餐饮业内一直将“3A 餐厅”认定为香港公司. 英语翻译餐饮文化作为一种重要的文化现象,在中西方交流中有着重要作用.餐饮文化是一种普遍的社会现象.我们可以通过深入了解餐饮文化,从而了解中西文化的差异. 蒙古族聚居地在哪里 蒙古族分布在哪些省市 请问“弘扬传统文化,彰显特色内涵”用英文怎样翻译?